Logistics and transport

Development of control systems for container terminals

Development of control systems for container terminals

Logistics and transport

Development of control systems for container terminals Logistics and transport

The profitability of a container terminal directly depends on the speed of cargo handling, so the optimization of processes in this business plays an extremely important role. Using an intelligent control system, you can put on track most of the routine tasks: receiving and unloading containers, squeaking a container at the site, billing, monitoring, and others. This will allow more rational use of loading equipment and operating personnel, as well as minimize the time of cargo handling.

Speaking more specifically, control systems for container terminals are capable of solving the following tasks:

  • Receiving and issuing containers, with automatic informing of forwarders, cargo owners and other parties.
  • Automation of processing customer requests.
  • Documentation of all actions with containers.
  • Managing the movement of containers around the terminal.
  • Positioning – finding the optimal container storage location on the site.
  • Setting tasks for operators and storekeepers, with the ability to control their implementation.
  • Automation of container selection by stack depth.
  • Conducting inventories.
  • Automatic tariffication of services.
  • Integration of the container system with logistics processes.
  • Monitoring the location of containers and providing relevant information to cargo owners.

An intelligent system allows not only to manage processes more efficiently, but also makes them controllable. With its help, you can monitor the workload of personnel and equipment, the downtime of trains, the number of requests from customers and the quality of their processing in real time.

When creating such systems, business processes and the needs of a particular terminal are taken into account, so their functionality for different enterprises can vary significantly. Let’s take a closer look at how the development is built and what technologies are used for this.

Development of control systems for container terminals

How technologies are selected


How technologies are selected Technologies

The choice of optimal technologies is extremely important in the development of any software. The performance of the project, the possibility of its further development, the ability to integrate with external services, etc. depend on them. To select the optimal stack, our specialists perform certain preparatory work:

  • study the requirements of the client;
  • analyze the software that is already used in the operation of the terminal;
  • create surface documentation of the project.

It is also important on which devices the control system will work. For example, in the office it is convenient to use desktop applications, and for specialists who often move around the enterprise, mobile or web applications will be preferable.

Accordingly, different technologies will be used to develop such solutions.

So, to summarize, the technology stack can be like this:

  • For desktop applications: Python/PHP/C++ programming languages and Yii2/Laravel frameworks.
  • For mobile applications: Swift language for IOS and Java/Kotlin for Android, or Flutter cross-platform framework and Dart language.
  • For web applications: Python/PHP/Node.js for the backend, and for the frontend, static HTML/CSS/JavaScript technologies or reactive Vue.js/React.js.
Development of control systems for container terminals

How the development process is built

Stages of Development

How the development process is built Stages of Development

When creating management systems, we adhere to the SCRUM methodology, which involves an iterative approach to development. That is, all work is done in short sprints – up to two weeks, which are then presented to the customer.

Also, in addition to the methodology, there are also development stages – these are certain stages of production through which the project passes during implementation. Let’s take a look at six of the main ones

Stage 1. Research

In order for the terminal management system to be effective and meet the needs of the business, a study is carried out before the start of development, during which specialists study:

  • internal processes at the enterprise;
  • wishes and requirements of the customer;
  • experience with similar systems;
  • third-party services that are already used in the operation of the terminal.

All these and other issues are discussed with the client’s representatives at online or offline meetings.

Stage 2. Design, documentation and technology selection

The main task of design is to determine what kind of functionality the control system should have to effectively solve problems, what resources will be required to implement it, what the interface will look like, and what formulas will be used to perform certain calculations.

In fact, the design is the foundation of the project on which further development and testing is built.

Development of control systems for container terminals

Stage 3. Design development

At this stage, UI designers create a logical and thoughtful visual environment in which end users will work. It is important that the design is convenient and intuitive, so most often it is developed individually, taking into account the functional features of the project.

Stage 4. Programming

The programming phase can be divided into two parts:

  • Frontend. Development of the client part of the project, which includes layout, creation of animations, event handlers and other tools that ensure comfortable user interaction with the server.
  • Backend. This is the server part of the project responsible for storing and processing information. When creating it, developers design the database architecture, set up servers, write functional code, and integrate the management system with external services using APIs.
Development of control systems for container terminals

Stage 5. Testing

Before being released for release, the control system goes through several levels of testing: integration, functional and acceptance. This allows you to detect and fix most of the technical problems in the software in a timely manner.

Stage 6. Technical support and development

The final stage is the transfer of the project to maintenance.

The fact is that during testing it is impossible to predict all possible scenarios for using the system in real conditions, which is why users may encounter various unforeseen problems for some time. In such cases, errors are quickly analyzed and eliminated by developers.

It is also worth noting that after the release, you can continue to develop the control system and add new functionality to it. This way the software can grow in parallel with your business and stay up-to-date.

Development of control systems for container terminals in AVADA MEDIA

Development of control systems for container terminals in AVADA MEDIA

Of course, the implementation of any software must be financially justified. As practice shows, investments in intelligent container terminal management systems pay off in the medium or long term, depending on the size of the enterprise and the volume of cargo.

Using such a system, you will be able to increase the throughput of your terminal due to faster cargo handling, as well as reduce the cost of technical costs, such as the use of third-party software, idling and excessive wear of lifting equipment, payment for train demurrage, and so on.

AVADA MEDIA has extensive experience in developing systems for automating container terminals. While working on a project, we always try to establish close communication with the client and use our knowledge to find the best solutions for his business.

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