
Development of a crypto wallet for Android

Crypto wallet features

Crypto wallet

Crypto wallet features Crypto wallet

Cryptocurrencies are stored in the blockchain network and do not depend on banks, corporations and states. Therefore, in order to manage your assets, you will need specialized software – a cryptocurrency wallet. With it, you can send and receive transfers in crypto, as well as pay at merchants.

It should also be added that the crypto wallet itself does not store funds, but only confirms your right to own part of the assets that are in the blockchain.

The possibilities of such a wallet can be quite wide, and depend only on the implemented functionality.

There are several types of software crypto wallets:

  • desktop – installed on the user’s laptop or PC;
  • browser-based – work directly in the browser and are available from different devices;
  • mobile – installed on the user’s smartphone.

Mobile wallets are one of the most popular wallets. This is quite fair, since they have a high level of security and are easy to use. Their important advantage is the ability to make contactless payments at retail outlets using QR codes or NFC.

Development of a crypto wallet for Android

Hot and cold crypto wallets on Android

Types of crypto wallets

Hot and cold crypto wallets on Android Types of crypto wallets

According to statistics, 72% of users of mobile operating systems are on Android, therefore, when developing mobile applications for crypto wallets, this OS is often more preferable.

There are cold and hot wallets on Android:

  • Hot are vaults that provide the user with instant access to cryptocurrency, due to a constant connection to the Web. They are more convenient, but comfort comes at a price—in this case, you have to pay with increased risks. Therefore, storing large amounts on hot crypto wallets is not recommended.
  • Cold – used without an Internet connection, which almost completely eliminates the risk of hacking. Such wallets are designed to store the bulk of the capital.

When developing a cold and hot wallet, different functionality is implemented, so this is one of those issues that need to be addressed at the initial stages of production.

Stages of developing a cryptocurrency wallet for Android

Stages of developing a cryptocurrency wallet for Android

Creating a crypto wallet on the Android OS is a complex task that involves a whole team of developers. For its implementation, the Java and Kotlin programming languages are used, in addition, there is the possibility of developing on the Flutter cross-platform framework, which will allow the software to work simultaneously on two operating systems – Android and IOS.

The entire production process can be divided into several interrelated stages. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Stage 1. Gathering information and planning

Like the development of any IT product, the creation of a cryptocurrency wallet for the Android operating system begins with the definition of tasks. To do this, AVADA MEDIA specialists conduct a briefing for the client, perform a thorough analysis of the market and competitors.

Stage 2. Development of technical documentation

Technical documentation is a document that contains all the requirements for the project. It details:

  • functionality that will be developed as part of production;
  • user interface requirements;
  • wallet security parameters, and how it will be determined;
  • performance requirements;
  • implementation schedule.

After that, on the basis of the finished document, it calculates the cost of developing a crypto wallet and the estimated time frame.

Stage 3. Wallet design

First of all, the developers think over exactly how the user will use the cryptocurrency wallet and what routes they will use in order to perform the target action – for example, send funds, pay for goods, or exchange one digital currency for another. To do this, UX designers develop a logical structure of a software product with a convenient navigation system.

Stage 4. UI design development

UI design is the visual shell of a cryptocurrency wallet that the end user interacts with. This stage is considered one of the most significant, since the attractiveness and convenience of the interface largely determine the future success of the product on the market.

Development of a crypto wallet for Android

Stage 5. Development of the frontend part

After the design is developed, it is only a visualization of the future application.

At the frontend stage, developers transform the layout into code that is understandable for the Android operating system, after which it will be possible to interact with it.

The frontend acts as an intermediary – it receives a request from the client, sends it to the server, and then, after processing it, displays the result to the user.

Stage 6. Backend development

Backend is the server part of the cryptocurrency wallet, which is responsible for the logic of the entire functionality. His development includes:

  • architecture design;
  • data storage;
  • connection with all necessary blockchains;
  • safety;
  • performance.

Stage 7. QA

Quality Assurance, or QA for short, are quality assurance specialists. They take part in all stages of the production of a cryptocurrency wallet for Android, optimize the production process and perform tasks related to testing.

In particular, QA-engineers check:

  • whether the wallet meets the technical specifications;
  • how well the functionality works;
  • convenience and correctness of the interface;
  • product safety.

If bugs are found, they are sent to the responsible specialist for correction, after which they are re-tested. This allows you to eliminate all possible errors in the software even at the production stage, even before the wallet falls into the hands of the end user.

Technical support and further development

Technical support and further development

After deploying a crypto wallet, users may encounter errors that were not discovered during the testing phase. Such bugs are reported to the developers, after which they are quickly fixed.

In addition, starting to use the wallet in practice, users may also have ideas to improve existing functionality or add new ones to optimize performance. Such feedback is analyzed and taken into account by developers in the further development and updating of the product.

Development of a mobile crypto wallet for Android in AVADA MEDIA

Development of a mobile crypto wallet for Android in AVADA MEDIA

AVADA MEDIA specializes in the development of blockchain solutions and mobile applications for Android and IOS. With extensive experience, our specialists can create a software product of any complexity.

For the production of a crypto wallet, we provide a separate development team, which includes marketers, designers, designers, programmers and QA engineers, and a project manager provides effective feedback between the customer and technical specialists. After the completion of production, we also offer marketing development services for the project.

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