It is difficult to choose from the many books on PHP that have really useful information. Without knowledge of the English language, the task becomes doubly difficult. We have selected the TOP-7 books in Russian that will help you learn a programming language on your own.

At the end, a bonus awaits you – a link to register for a complete and free PHP course in AVADA-MEDIA. These are practice-oriented lessons taught by incumbent developers at our company.

TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

Exploring PHP 7: A Guide to Building Interactive Websites. David Sklar


Exploring PHP 7: A Guide to Building Interactive Websites. David Sklar AVADA-MEDIA

Each book by David Sklyar is a concentrated benefit, with illustrations and practical examples to consolidate the material. And this guide is no exception.

The book will tell you about PHP from scratch. All the reader needs is patience and a basic knowledge of HTML.


Suitable for everyone: beginners who are just starting to learn programming and experienced developers who program in other languages – Perl, Python or Ruby, who need to quickly master PHP.
The book contains illustrations to help you understand complex things.

TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

PHP and MySQL. From beginner to professional. Kevin Yank


PHP and MySQL. From beginner to professional. Kevin Yank AVADA-MEDIA

Kevin Yank decided to go the other way. Unlike other PHP tutorials that bore the reader with their general-to-specific format, this book immediately invites you to get down to business. From the first pages, you will begin to install special software, configure it to work correctly and connect the databases.

To get acquainted with basic concepts such as OOP, variables, functions, loops and data types, the author suggests only closer to the middle of the book.

The book is easy to read and learning is a breeze. Moreover, there are more than enough benefits in it: from


  • Contains many practical tips for working with databases, with using MySQL.
  • Information is presented in a simple language, understandable for everyone.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

PHP 7, Dmitry Koterov, Igor Simdyanov


PHP 7, Dmitry Koterov, Igor Simdyanov AVADA-MEDIA

The authors were able to put in the book as much useful information that a novice developer would need. Plus, there are practical examples for each topic to make learning easier.

The peculiarity of the book is that the authors do not “chew” the material. Therefore, before you start reading, it is better to familiarize yourself with basic programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, classes, subroutines, etc. There is plenty of information about this on the Web, and if you want to master PHP, this will not be a problem.


  • The book covers most development techniques, including OOP, and will useful not only for beginners.
  • With so much useful information, it has a low cost.


  • No modern framework or CMS is covered here.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

PHP is simple. We program for a website. Andrey Shkryl


PHP is simple. We program for a website. Andrey Shkryl AVADA-MEDIA

There is no boring water and boring reasoning in the book. Instead, the author provides as many practical examples and illustrations as possible to help you learn the programming language in practice.

From this tutorial you will learn about the basic concepts in PHP, learn how to properly install all the necessary software, work with databases and templates.

The book will be useful for students studying at specialized faculties and for novice programmers who master the web on their own.


  • A book for those who like to do, not read theory. Teaches mainly through practice.
  • Information is presented easily, in a language understandable for beginners.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

We create dynamic websites using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. Robin nixon


We create dynamic websites using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. Robin nixon AVADA-MEDIA

The book is rightfully one of the bestsellers among self-taught programming tutorials. In it, the reader will get acquainted not only with PHP, but also with MySQL, basic features of JavaScript and АЈАХ, learn the basics of CSS and HTML5.

The book is replete with valuable practical advice and checklists to help you consolidate the material.

At the end, the author explains how to create a multifunctional website that works like a social network.


  • The book contains a lot of useful information on PHP and related technologies with which the language is used.
  • There is an opportunity to test your knowledge with the help of test questions.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

PHP7 for beginners with step by step instructions. Mike McGrath


PHP7 for beginners with step by step instructions. Mike McGrath AVADA-MEDIA

Most of the PHP beginner literature assumes that the reader has basic programming knowledge. Therefore, those who start from the beginning often have difficulties.

This book is an exception.

Here the author describes everything in simple words, and supplements the story with capacious illustrations and useful tips. At the same time, underestimating the knowledge transmitted by the author is definitely not worth it.


  • Ease of presentation and lack of complex terminology.
  • Relatively low price.


  • The author provides basic information intended only for beginners. As you delve further into PHP, the book loses its value, and you will hardly have to return to it.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch

PHP. Fast start. Callum Hopkins


PHP. Fast start. Callum Hopkins AVADA-MEDIA

The author suggests mastering PHP in a weekend. Perhaps this was a marketing ploy, but the book does contain a lot of useful information.

The book tells you step by step how to write code in PHP, and smoothly guides the reader all the way – from creating basic web pages to writing interactive browser applications. As a bonus, the author touches on other important topics, including OOP, code security, interacting with databases, and creating your own development environment for PHP projects.


  • The book contains many practical tips and examples.


  • Not intended entirely for beginners. The reader will need knowledge of HTML and CSS, and a little experience with other languages will be helpful.
TOP 7 books on PHP in Russian: a selection for self-study of the language from scratch




Today there are many PHP tutorials, and even a lack of knowledge of the English language will not be an obstacle to learning it.

For those who want to rely not only on their own strengths, we suggest taking a PHP course in our company. Here you will receive:

  • Completely free video tutorials.
  • Practice on real projects that were developed in the past by our company.
  • Help of existing developers in solving problems.
  • Guaranteed employment of the best students.

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