Development of the application on Node.js

Mobile development

Android & IOS

Mobile development Android & IOS

Mobile applications help increase sales, create a loyal customer base, increase competitiveness, and much more. But now we will not talk about their advantages – a lot has already been said about this.

Instead, let’s focus on the technical side of the issue and discuss why you should choose Node.js for development.

Development of the application on Node.js

What is Node.js?

Technology Review

What is Node.js? Technology Review

First, let’s figure out what Node.js is. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code on the server side. This means that with its help you can create server applications in JS, process HTTP requests, interact with databases, perform file operations and much more.

Node.js provides an asynchronous and event-driven programming model, which makes it particularly efficient at handling large numbers of simultaneous requests, which is critical when building scalable and performant applications.

The effectiveness of Node.js has also been proven by cases of large companies. Thus, LinkedIn, having switched to Node.js, announced a 20-fold acceleration of its servers, and Walmart was able to process 500 million page views without errors or data loss in a few days. Many other giants also use the platform, including Yahoo, Netflix, Uber and Google.

But don’t be fooled into thinking that Node.js is the perfect technology. Unfortunately, such things have not yet been invented, and Node.js is no exception. However, the number of its advantages significantly outweighs the disadvantages. But what then makes it so popular in mobile development? Let’s talk about this further.

Advantages of Node.js in mobile development

Pros of Node.js

Advantages of Node.js in mobile development Pros of Node.js

Mobile development on Node.js is about flexibility, speed and high performance. The framework is universal and does not require working on two versions of the application: separately for IOS and Android, which means it helps save time and money. It sounds cool, but let’s talk about everything in more detail.

The main advantages of developing on Node.js:

  • Cross-platform. To run a website and mobile applications on IOS and Android, you only need to create one backend on Node.js. This will save the lion’s share of the budget and bring a quality product to the market. Moreover, the framework provides real-time data synchronization. In practice, this means that your customers, for example, can add products to the cart on the website and complete the order in the mobile application, and this is a serious plus for the user experience.
  • Fast development. The Node.js platform contains a huge number of modules that can be connected to the project through the npm package manager.

They help you work with files and directories, build network communication, process events, and much more. To date, more than 650 thousand packages have already been released and are freely available. This makes the work of programmers easier and allows them to bring the product to market much faster.

  • Excellent performance. Instead of the traditional thread-based concurrency model, Node.js is based on an event-driven approach. That is, program execution is not carried out line by line, as in Python, for example, but is controlled by events, such as user actions, the arrival of a network packet, and so on, which allows the application to respond several times faster.
  • Stability. Thanks to the asynchronous execution model used in Node.js, your mobile application will be able to handle a huge number of requests simultaneously. According to Stackoverflow, the code can handle up to 10,000 active connections without blocking.
Development of the application on Node.js

What applications is Node.js best for?

When to choose Node.js

What applications is Node.js best for? When to choose Node.js

Node.js is needed when you need to launch a fast and efficient application in a short time, so it is often used when creating MVPs. In addition, the framework is in demand in the eCommerce sector, in various high-load services and streaming projects.

Here are some questions to help determine if Node.js is right for your product:

  • Do you need an application that can quickly process many requests simultaneously, without requiring large hardware resources?
  • Should your project be designed to handle high traffic?
  • Will you need to develop the product and add new features in the future?
  • Do you want to develop and test a startup?
  • Do you need to get a product to market as quickly as possible?

If you answered yes to at least a few questions, then Node.js is most likely right for you.

Development of the application on Node.js

How does the development of an application in Node.js proceed?

Development stages

How does the development of an application in Node.js proceed? Development stages

Developing an application in Node.js involves several stages. Here’s a quick overview of how the process works:

  • Analysis and collection of information. You leave a request on our website, and our manager will contact you within 24 hours. He tries to learn as much as possible about your company and the problems you want to solve using the application. Then we study the market, competitors and offer specific solutions.
  • Prototype. When the goals are defined and coordinated, the team begins designing – creating a prototype of the future application, interface mockups and writing technical documentation. This allows you to test different approaches and find the best solutions to be included in production.
  • Design development. We perform mind mapping and warframing of the interface, develop a navigation system, and then turn them into a clickable design layout.
  • Technical development. We bring the project into reality at the code level. To do this, backend specialists implement the server part and lay down the business logic of the project using the Node.js framework, and frontend developers create the application interface, adapted for different operating systems and screen sizes. For the front, we can use native Swift and Kotlin technologies, or the cross-platform Flutter framework.
  • Testing. All application functions are thoroughly tested and debugged.
  • Support and development. Market demands and customer expectations are changing rapidly and technology is evolving. And so that in such conditions your application does not become outdated, we continue its technical support for as long as necessary.
Development of the application on Node.js


Development in AVADA MEDIA

Conclusion Development in AVADA MEDIA

Node.js is a great choice for most mobile app development. It helps you quickly create productive solutions, saves budget and time, and provides unlimited opportunities for further product development.

The main disadvantage of the platform is its complex code structure, so not everyone works with it. We, at AVADA MEDIA, provide experienced Node.js developers who know all the intricacies of working with the framework and will help you create an application of any complexity.

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