Design development for a crypto exchanger

Design development for a crypto exchanger


Design development for a crypto exchanger Design



Cryptocurrency exchanger is a simple and secure service where the user can quickly exchange their crypto for fiat or other digital currency.

Compared to exchanges, exchangers have rather modest functionality, because they do not store funds and are not intended for trading, but a convenient and attractive interface is no less important for them.

What is the value of design for an exchanger

The Significance of Design

What is the value of design for an exchanger The Significance of Design

For a digital currency exchanger, the external design plays the same significant role as the functional component. Especially if you look from the point of view of attracting new users.

For example, if a person needs to exchange crypto, he will have a choice of dozens of different services, but most likely he will choose the most convenient, attractive and trustworthy one. After all, we are talking about financial transactions.

Speaking more specifically, it is worth recalling several important studies on this subject:

  • 46.1% of users decide whether a site can be trusted based on its design, according to researchers from Stanford.
  • 59% of users would prefer to work with a beautiful, rather than minimalist design, according to researchers from Adobe.
  • The first impression of a product is 94% formed by the design, according to analysts from Austria.

That is, if the exchanger has an attractive and thoughtful design, the likelihood of its commercial success increases significantly.

Design development for a crypto exchanger

UI and UX of the exchanger - what is the difference

UI/UX design

UI and UX of the exchanger - what is the difference UI/UX design

In practice, UI and UX are very related concepts, so the separation between them is rather arbitrary. Nevertheless, these are different definitions, so it is worth talking about them separately:

  • UX design is a deeper and broader concept that includes all the user’s impressions of interacting with the project: how convenient and understandable it was for him to work with the exchanger, whether the pages loaded quickly, whether all the elements were in the expected place.
  • UI design is essentially a part of UX and is responsible for the appearance of the product, its convenience and the experience that the user will receive.

Most often, UX is laid down at the design stage of the exchanger, when its structure and navigation system are determined, but the UI is created directly by designers based on a ready-made and approved warframe.

Design development for a crypto exchanger

What team will be required to develop the design


What team will be required to develop the design Team

A whole team of specialists can be involved in creating a thoughtful and effective visual environment for the exchanger. As a rule, it includes:

  • Project manager – responsible for communication with the client and organizing the work of the team.
  • UI / UX designer – designs user experience and creates a comfortable and functional product interface. Sometimes UI and UX are implemented by different specialists.
  • Graphic designer – creates unique and attractive graphics.

Despite the different direction of work, all team members closely interact with each other and combine efforts to achieve the best result.

Stages of design creation

Stages of Development

Stages of design creation Stages of Development

There is an expression: good design is inconspicuous design. It simply helps the user to get what he wants without hesitation. This means that all the buttons in it should be positioned appropriately, and fonts and colors should be chosen as naturally as possible.

In fact, if the design gives such an impression, it means that they did a good job on it. Let’s take a closer look at how this happens.

Stage 1. Concept development

First of all, you need to understand how the crypto-exchanger will be arranged from the inside – what screens and pages it will have and how they will interact with each other. This is a kind of skeleton project, and the rest of the elements, such as illustrations and fonts, will appear a little later.

At the concept stage, the focus is on UX and usability, and the result of the designer’s work will be a low-detailed prototype, or, as it is also called, an interface warframe.

In theory this is true, but in practice it is quite rare to find the perfect visual solution the first time. Therefore, our team often offers several options for a UI design concept. For example, these could be:

  • Minimalistic and simplified concept, with an emphasis on functionality.
  • A brighter concept, with the addition of geometric art objects and illustrations.
  • The concept is in a strict banking style, discreet and official.

The proposed options are discussed with the client, if necessary, combined and finalized. As a result, we get a unique and effective exchanger design concept that we can work with further.

Design development for a crypto exchanger

Stage 2. Development of a mockup

After the development and approval of the warframe, a graphic design is superimposed on the finished structure – that is, a mocap of the exchanger is created. At this stage, the design becomes tangible and it becomes clear exactly how the product interface will look like.

It is important that the mockup is created not just on any canvas, but taking into account the screen sizes of different devices – smartphone, laptop and tablet. Thanks to this, the exchanger will be correctly displayed on any gadgets.

Stage 3. Creating an interactive prototype

In simple terms, this is a clickable mockup: when you click on the buttons, the corresponding screen of the exchanger will be displayed.

Such a prototype helps to test the interface for various errors and inconsistencies even before it is transferred to front-end development, and, accordingly, reduces the cost of product implementation.

Design development of a cryptocurrency exchanger in AVADA MEDIA

Design development of a cryptocurrency exchanger in AVADA MEDIA

For a modern crypto exchange, an attractive and thoughtful design is not an option, but a necessity. It helps not only to attract new users, but also to keep them due to the convenience of the interface and competent visual design.

The AVADA MEDIA team has extensive experience in developing high-tech products for the crypto industry. We carry out work related to the design and design of the exchanger, as well as implement its technical part – up to deployment and technical support.

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