Quality Assurance





Python is a versatile programming language that can be understood by both beginners and experienced professionals. Many analysts consider it one of the most demanded in the IT services market.

It is Python that is used in the development of a huge number of software products that are required to pass the testing phase or Quality Assurance (QA). This stage is an integral part of the life cycle of any program, since it guarantees its high quality, stable operation and performance.

Python testing

Features of testing in Python


Features of testing in Python AVADA-MEDIA

Quality control includes activities for planning the total scope of work, developing tests, performing tests and analyzing the results obtained. One of the important features of Python is that it can be used even if the software is developed in another programming language.

The testing phase has several levels of depth, namely: unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.

  • Unit testing

The main task of testing is to check the operation of individual components in the application, for example, isolated functions, classes, etc. For basic unit tests, unittest and doctest are used, for high-level checks, pytest.

For each function or method, tests are written, which helps specialists understand whether the changes made have led to new problems in already tested parts of the code (to regression), as well as identify new possible defects.

  • Integration testing

While unit testing is used to find bugs in specific features, integration testing tests the system as a whole. This is why both approaches should be used together.

Validation uses components that have already been unit tested – they are grouped and evaluated according to the plan. Check types:

  • bottom-up (Bottom-Up Approach): the method assumes testing modules in ascending order – from lower levels to upper ones.
  • Top-Down Approach: A reverse approach that checks high-level modules first and then low-level modules.
  • Big bang approach: modules of different levels are combined and tested.
  • Continuous Integration Systems are commonly used to automate validation.


  • System testing

During testing, both functional and non-functional requirements for the system are verified. At this stage, specialists can identify and eliminate a number of defects:

  • irrational use of system resources;
  • incompatibility with the environment;
  • use cases that were not foreseen;
  • incorrect data combinations;
  • lack of certain functions.

There are two approaches to system testing:

  • requirements-based: separate test cases are written to check the fulfillment of a specific requirement;
  • use-case-based: the use cases of the system are generated based on the perception of how the software is used.

In addition to the listed types of testing, QA engineers conduct other types and types of verification:

  • Stress Testing

Verification by continuously and steadily increasing the load on the system until it reaches a threshold limit. The tests are aimed at assessing the stability, responsiveness and stability of the product.

  • Performance testing

One of the most important parameters that must be checked is the stability of the program, the speed of response, operation under various configurations of the environment, etc.

  • Black box testing

This is a check based on the product specification. Its principle is based on working only with the external interfaces of the system under test (without access to the system code).

This type of testing allows you to make sure that the functionality of the program is preserved when changes are made (new code is added), the output remains consistent and all components work correctly.

  • White box testing

A technology in which the QA engineer is fully aware of the internal structure, device and implementation method of the system (with access to the system code).

Also carried out: testing of the user interface, security, interaction with the system, usability and configuration testing.

Python testing

Benefits of Python testing at AVADA MEDIA


Benefits of Python testing at AVADA MEDIA AVADA-MEDIA

AVADA MEDIA provides design and professional testing services for software products for various areas. We use an integrated approach and strive to create universal software that meets all business needs and wishes of the client, as well as provides a positive experience when interacting with him.

QA specialists are focused on software quality control, therefore they subject it to verification at all stages: from planning to release.

Depending on the type, the test suite performs a number of tasks:

  • identification of defects and problems in the functioning of the software;
  • checking the display of all interface elements;
  • evaluation of software efficiency under conditions of increased and peak load;
  • checking the interaction of modules within the system and among themselves;
  • comparison of conversion and real user routes, identification of redundant operations;
  • elimination of problems that reduce productivity;
  • minimizing the possibility of data corruption and theft.

Our team develops high-quality, stable and productive software products, the main task of which is the development, scaling and increasing the efficiency of our clients’ business.

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