Website development

Multidomain websites

What is a multidomain site


What is a multidomain site Definition

A multi-domain site is a site that has multiple domain names, each serving a different region or language. Multi-domain website localization is the process of adapting a website to different cultures and languages.

If you are now deciding how to increase the traffic of your website at the expense of other countries, then the information presented in this article will help you better understand this issue, and you will learn how to create an international website and bring it to different countries.

Registering a multi-domain website is a very relevant topic for those entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the international level.

This is due to the fact that if your website is located on one domain, usually a local one, tied to the country in which you do business, then the Google search engine will mainly direct traffic from this country to the domain. This way, your site will not have an advantage in search indexing among other local sites that have local domains in other countries.

So, in order to collect traffic in different countries, you need to think about registering a domain for your website for each country separately. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are a number of difficult questions that you will have to ask when developing a multi-domain website and its localization.

Multidomain websites

How to register a foreign domain if it is not on the lists of your local registrar?

Domain registration

How to register a foreign domain if it is not on the lists of your local registrar? Domain registration

For example, if you use local hosting like, you can only register domains that are somehow related to Ukraine or international domains.

In order to register a domain that is linked exclusively to another country, you will need to use other services, for example aggregators like, which provide the ability to register domains in different countries at once in one window. However, when you proceed to payment, you will notice that the cost of registration will be quite high in many cases, and in some even unreasonably inflated.

In order to save on this process, we recommend using local registrars in each individual country. Of course, this process will require you to spend more time registering a domain, but in the end you will not only save on registration costs, but also explore the local market. This is very important due to the fact that you are planning to create your site for a new individual country.

To make the process of registering a domain in another country less time-consuming, try using the following recommendations:

  1. Install a VPN and connect it directly to the country in which you are planning to register a domain. Link to a proven and easy-to-use VPN:
  2. Use Google Translator to translate the “domain registration” request into the language of the country in which you intend to register the domain. After that, enter a query into Google, and you will see many offers linked to the search results of the exact country in which you are planning to register a domain. These will include local hosting providers and domain registrars.
  3. Next, you will need to select a suitable hosting provider, register with them and select and register a domain accordingly.
  4. Some hosting providers’ websites may not have an English version and will only provide content in the local language. To simplify the process of understanding information, use the Google Chrome browser function to automatically translate the site. This way, you can immediately translate the site into your language and view it in a format convenient for you, which will significantly speed up the registration process and perception of information.

This process should be repeated for each country in which you intend to register a domain.

Why do we need multi domain websites?


Why do we need multi domain websites? Advantages

Are there other ways in which you don’t have to search for a local provider every time and register a localized domain with it? Yes, there are such methods and they often use the sub domain approach for each localization (country), for example:

However, this method will be inferior to those previously described. You need to remember that Google will give priority to those sites that are designed for local domains and a specific language of the locale. The more you satisfy these conditions, the better the localization process will be subsequently.

Why create multi-domain websites at all?

Multi-domain websites have several important advantages:

  • Geographical adaptation. Such sites allow you to adapt content and information to different regions and countries. This includes translating content into different languages, incorporating local cultural sensitivities, and providing location-specific information.
  • Managing different brands and products. Companies with multiple brands, product lines, or services can use multi-domain sites to clearly identify each entity. This helps create a unique online profile for each brand.
  • Improved SEO and marketing. Multi-domain sites provide the opportunity to better optimize content for search engines (SEO) and target audiences. This allows you to increase the visibility of sites in search results, as well as launch more targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Local legal and regulatory requirements. Countries have different laws and regulatory requirements regarding websites. Multi-domain sites allow you to comply with local laws and regulations for each region in which you operate.
  • Improved user experience. Multi-domain websites allow you to provide a more personalized and satisfying user experience. Visitors can receive content that is closer to their needs and language.
  • Audience segmentation. Such sites allow you to segment your audience more effectively. You can create different sites for different types of customers, making it easier to communicate with each group.

Overall, creating multi-domain sites helps you better tailor your online presence to the varied needs and expectations of your audience. This can help increase the efficiency of your web project and expand your business.

Multidomain websites

How does a multi-domain website affect traffic and lead generation?


How does a multi-domain website affect traffic and lead generation? Advantages

A multi-domain website helps you get more traffic from other countries by using geo-specific local domains. As a result, you will be able to take your company’s work to a new level by increasing traffic. Let’s consider the main advantages of such resources from the point of view of lead generation:

  • Increased traffic from different regions. If you have multi-domain sites tailored to different regions and languages, this can lead to increased traffic from those regions. Since the content will be closer to local users, it can encourage more visits.
  • Improved SEO. Multi-domain sites can be optimized to more accurately target keywords, phrases, and SEO strategies for different audiences. This can increase the visibility of sites in search results, which leads to increased organic traffic.
  • Content localization. Adapting content to different regions and cultures allows you to better meet user expectations. This can lead to increased user engagement and increased likelihood of lead generation.
  • Targeted marketing strategy. Multi-domain sites allow you to launch more focused and targeted marketing campaigns for different audiences. This can increase conversion and lead generation.
  • Audience segmentation. Creating separate multi-domain sites for different audience segments helps you better tailor information and offers to each user group. This helps the company get better quality leads.

However, it’s important to remember that managing multiple domains will also require a lot of effort and resources for development, maintenance, and marketing. A multi-domain website will not always automatically increase traffic and lead generation. Effectiveness depends on how well you tailor each site to its target audience and how strategically you use a multi-domain approach.

Website promotion through multidomains

Types of sites

Website promotion through multidomains Types of sites

Through a multi-domain approach, you can promote any website, but it is worth highlighting a number of businesses for which it is most interesting:

  • Online stores of local goods manufacturers who want to take their business to the international level.
  • Online stores and distributors who are considering new countries to expand their business.
  • Corporate sites for services that can be provided online.
  • Websites for affiliates.
  • Websites for expats.
  • Notice boards.
  • Job sites.
  • Websites of traders who purchase products in some countries and then sell them in others.
  • Websites of factories and factories that want to sell their products on the international market.
  • Websites of various online services.
Multidomain websites

What difficulties may arise with content when creating a multi-domain website?


What difficulties may arise with content when creating a multi-domain website? Difficulties

When developing a multi-domain website, difficulties may arise in producing content, since it must be adapted for each country individually. Accordingly, the more domains you have in different countries, the more languages you will have to translate your content into, and there are several ways to do this:

  • The easiest one is to use Google translator. However, you need to understand that not in all cases the content will be optimal from the point of view of the local consumer.
  • Use the services of translators. It is advisable to find speakers who can adapt the content to the desired country.

Specific difficulties with a multi-domain website and localization


Specific difficulties with a multi-domain website and localization Difficulties

Specific challenges to running a multi-domain site and localizing it may include:

  • Content management: It is necessary to have a content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily manage content across multiple domains.
  • Technical Support: It is necessary to have a team of technical specialists who can support the site on multiple domains.
  • Marketing: It is necessary to develop a marketing strategy that will effectively promote the site in different regions and in different languages.

Here are some of the specific problems that may arise when localizing a multi-domain site:

  • Translation: All website content needs to be translated into target languages. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation: It is necessary to adapt the website content to different cultures and traditions. This includes things like using appropriate language and imagery, and respecting local laws and customs.
  • Technical issues: Problems with displaying content on different devices and browsers need to be resolved.

To avoid these difficulties, a multi-domain site localization project must be carefully planned and implemented.

Here are some tips for localizing a multi-domain site:

  • Start with a small number of domains: don’t try to localize your site in all languages and regions at once. Start with a small number of domains and gradually expand your reach as needed.
  • Use a content management system: A CMS can make the process of managing content across multiple domains much easier.
  • Find a Reliable Localization Company: Hiring a localization company that has experience working with multi-domain sites can help you avoid mistakes and save time and money.

By following these tips, you can successfully localize your multi-domain site and ensure it is accessible to users in different regions and languages.

Why is a regular multilingual website not enough

Business promotion

Why is a regular multilingual website not enough Business promotion

A regular multilingual website is certainly useful, but it may not be enough if you are serious about promoting your business in other countries. Here are some reasons why you should consider additional measures:

  • Cultural and local considerations: When you typically translate content into other languages, you don’t take into account the differences in culture, preferences, and needs of audiences in different countries. A good multi-domain site will also adapt content and design to accommodate cultural nuances and local preferences.
  • SEO and Local Optimization: For your website to be successful in other countries, it is important to carry out local search engine optimization (SEO) and consider keywords and queries that are relevant to your specific audience.
  • Local support and service: If you have clients or users from other countries, then it is important to provide them with support and service in their language and in accordance with local laws and regulations.
  • Local content adaptation: You may have to tailor content for specific markets. This may include creating unique materials, promotions and offers for different countries.
  • Local payment systems: If you offer products or services, it is important to consider local payment systems and currencies to simplify the payment process for local customers.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements: Countries have different legal and regulatory requirements related to online business. Care must be taken to comply with them.

Overall, a multilingual website is the first step, but to successfully promote your business internationally, it is important to consider many other factors related to the specific countries and regions in which you want to be active.

Which CMS system is best to use for developing a multi-domain website?

Choosing a CMS

Which CMS system is best to use for developing a multi-domain website? Choosing a CMS

To develop a multi-domain website, you can use various CMS, self-written solutions, frameworks or specialized tools. Let’s look at several options, including CMS WordPress, Wagtail, and self-written framework solutions.

WordPress CMS:

  • Advantages: WordPress is one of the most popular CMS and is well suited for creating multi-domain websites. You can use the built-in “WP Multisite” feature, which allows you to manage multiple sites with a common installation. This is a convenient solution for creating multi-domain blogs, news portals and other projects.
  • Disadvantages: WordPress can be limited in some aspects, especially if you need complex custom features or a high degree of customization.

Wagtail CMS:

  • Advantages: Wagtail is a CMS developed based on the Django framework. It provides a flexible content management system and allows you to easily create multi-domain websites. Wagtail offers a rich set of tools for customization and control over your content.
  • Disadvantages: Compared to WordPress, Wagtail may require more experience in Python and Django development.

Self-written solutions using frameworks:

  • Advantages: Self-written solutions based on frameworks such as Django, Laravel or Express.js provide maximum flexibility and control. You can fully customize multi-domain functionality and architecture to suit your needs.
  • Disadvantages: Developing a custom multi-domain solution can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. In-depth knowledge of the selected framework and programming language is also required.

The choice between these options depends on your needs, resources and experience. If you want a quick and relatively easy way to create a multi-domain website, WordPress is a good choice. If you need a more flexible and customizable option, Wagtail or a self-written framework solution are more suitable.

Our company devotes a lot of time and resources to developing multi-domain websites. We can advise on the best way to register domains, how to conveniently implement an admin panel for a multi-domain site so that it is convenient to work with content and fill out the site, and we can also help carry out the full development cycle of a multi-domain site.

If you found this information useful and you need more detailed consultation on the development of a multi-domain website and its localization, you can always contact us for more detailed information.

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I accept User agreement and I give my consent to processing of my personal data
Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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