And how it is used in AVADA MEDIA


What is Firebase?

And how it is used in AVADA MEDIA

What is Firebase? And how it is used in AVADA MEDIA

Firebase is a mobile application development platform with great functionality. It was initially a startup, and today it is used to develop the best cross-platform applications. The main advantage of the platform is that it allows the developer not to be distracted by creating a backend. That is, the software part of the project that is hidden from the user, for example, server code. This simplifies and accelerates the creation of mobile applications, makes it possible to completely focus on UX / UI, that is, on the user interface and experience. It’s the combination of Firebase with the Flutter framework that allows AVADA MEDIA programmers to create fast applications for Android and iOS, which allow solving a variety of problems.

Firebase is one of the BaaS solutions (Backend as a Service), which gives the developer a lot of opportunities.

This is a server, database, hosting, and authentication in one platform. So, Firebase Realtime Database provides developers with an API that synchronizes application data between clients and stores them in the cloud.

The application connects to the database via WebSocket, which is responsible for synchronizing data throughout the session.


Additional features


Additional features Firebase

Firebase also acts as a file repository. Firebase Storage provides reliable file upload and download for the application. Cloud-based storage of video, audio, or any other type of file is supported by Google Cloud Storage. The content of the cloud storage is reliably protected by its own security system.

When creating a new mobile application in AVADA MEDIA, much attention is paid to security issues. Creating an authentication system every time from scratch is quite expensive, and these costs are often not justified. The majority of calls will be handled by the Firebase Auth authentication system, in which authentication of the user application by password and email is possible. Firebase Auth also supports the OAuth 2.0 open authentication protocol used by Google, Twitter, and Facebook. The Firebase authentication system integrates directly into the database.

Static application files are hosted on Firebase hosting. Hosting of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other files is supported. Cloud Functions provides dynamic support for Node.js. File transfer is done through a content delivery network using secure SSL and HTTPS protocols.

Cross-platform solution Firebase Messaging allows you to send messages to the device users of the application. Notifications can be sent to devices of any type, including PCs – both to individual and groups or to all devices on which the application is installed. The solution also supports the ability to send notifications even specific topics. The solution is easily scalable and allows you to send a huge number of notifications in an extremely short time or to customize the sending of notifications, for example, taking into account the time zone of the recipient.





The developers of AVADA MEDIA create light and reliable applications for iOS and Android with the help of Firebase. Using the platform can reduce the time required for development – as well as reduce application loading time and increase coverage. Advantages of the Firebase platform in your application:

  • high-speed application;
  • reliable infrastructure – no malfunctions;
  • convenient statistics that allow you to obtain data on user actions and maintain feedback;
  • cross-platform – the application was created once and configured to work with all operating systems;
  • simple scalability – an increase in the number of users will not require changes in server code.

To summarize, let’s say that using the Firebase platform and its individual functions allows us to focus solely on how your application will look and how convenient it will be to use.


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