Speech detection and synthesis

Speech detection and synthesis


Speech detection and synthesis AVADA-MEDIA

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to significant improvements in the quality and realism of content created with new technologies. The scope of AI is growing rapidly, it covers all new spheres of human life, solves a wide range of problems and effectively optimizes processes.

Artificial human speech reproduction or “speech synthesis” is a machine learning-based technique that is used to convert text to speech. It is used in the development of various programs and applications, navigation, telephony, special systems for visually impaired people, voice assistants, bots, IVR systems, etc.

Implementation of neural networks in software for speech detection and synthesis


Implementation of neural networks in software for speech detection and synthesis AVADA-MEDIA

Speech synthesis is one of the common tasks that developers put before artificial intelligence. Neural networks, which in their structure resemble the human nervous system, show consistently high results and are rapidly improving.

Machine learning is relatively new to technology. In the course of research, it turned out that many components in the entire system can be replaced by the functionality of neural networks. This solution allowed not only to significantly improve the algorithms, but also the overall quality of speech synthesis.

Today, AI training takes place using a large number of audio recordings and texts that are analyzed by the system. In some cases, for example, if a machine is to recreate the voice of a real person, recordings of public speeches, interviews, or the results of creative activities are used for this purpose. The role of text pairs can be transcripts or texts obtained after the correction of automatically recognized speech.

Typically, speech synthesis based on neural networks consists of three main modules:

normalizing text;

  • synthesis of a spectrogram from text;
  • synthesizing audio data from a spectrogram (voice encoder).

One example of successful technology adoption is Google’s Cloud Text-to-Speech project, which converts text into natural-sounding speech using an AI-powered API. Users can select a voice profile suitable for their organization and use it in their business processes.

In addition, speech synthesis finds applications in the entertainment and gaming industries. For example, unique artificial voices are used in video games and complex animations to make them more realistic and give gamers new experiences.

In order to avoid fraud and illegal use of technology, the developers have also proposed methods to distinguish a real human voice from a synthesized one. For example, neural networks introduce specific and unusual spectral correlations that are not found in human speech. Although these correlations are not always heard, they can be measured with bispectral analysis tools and thus the robot can be identified.

Advantages of developing software for speech detection and synthesis in AVADA MEDIA


Advantages of developing software for speech detection and synthesis in AVADA MEDIA AVADA-MEDIA

Despite the fact that neural networks began to be used for speech synthesis relatively recently, they have already managed to overtake classical approaches and every year they successfully perform more and more new functions. Innovative models are of great interest to companies and organizations seeking to actively introduce artificial intelligence into workflows.

AVADA MEDIA offers comprehensive services for the development of full-featured software for speech detection and synthesis. The system uses neural network techniques to provide a personalized user experience.

The voice that a business chooses to automatically communicate with customers represents the brand and helps it gain the trust of its target audience. For example, technology can improve customer service through the use of automated (but natural-sounding) voices, as well as reduce costs and reduce the burden on managers. Also, the technique is used in corporate training, thus increasing labor productivity in the long term.

There are several important advantages of speech detection and synthesis technology for business:

  • Ease of use for consumers of all ages and easy access to content.
  • Rapid improvement in the quality of customer service.
  • Multi-language support to expand your reach to customers around the world.
  • Reducing the operating costs of the enterprise.

Speech Synthesis is a powerful tool that can completely change the user interface when implemented in software or hardware products, e-book readers, etc. Experts have no doubt that for the foreseeable future, it will be the key to many powerful new technologies and ways of communication.

The technology has enormous potential, so today it can be applied in many areas, including:

  • dubbing characters of games and animation clips;
  • reading audiobooks;
  • voice accompaniment of audio and video courses;
  • commercials and audio ads;
  • scoring of voice bots, smart devices and voice assistants;
  • voice greetings;
  • interaction with users in applications and devices;
  • synthesis of oral speech, which has a natural sound, for dumb people, as well as people who have lost the ability to speak.

Our specialists are engaged in the development of software that allows you to synthesize realistic speech based on any text, with complex scripts and flexible settings. We offer reliable IT products based on neural networks and artificial intelligence that help make effective decisions, automate processes and scale your business.

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