How to switch from 1C to another system

Transition from 1C to another system

Replacement 1C

Transition from 1C to another system Replacement 1C

In recent years, Russian-made software has become not only toxic from a moral point of view, but also dangerous for Ukrainian business. This also applies to the 1C system. At the moment, it is not officially supported in Ukraine, which means that any error in the program’s operation can become critical and completely paralyze the company’s internal processes, which entails serious risks – both financial and reputational.

Therefore, the transition from 1C to a more reliable and stable system has become one of the main priorities for many businesses. But there are difficulties here. 1C is so deeply integrated into Ukrainian business and into the consciousness of accountants that abandoning it becomes a real shock therapy for companies. How to soften the transition, and most importantly, choose the optimal replacement for 1C, we’ll tell you in this article.

How to switch from 1C to another system

Replacement 1C: what the market offers

Choosing software

Replacement 1C: what the market offers Choosing software

Let’s say you decide to abandon 1C and switch to alternative software. The first thing you need to do on this path is to select software that can not only replace the Russian system, but also help your company work more efficiently in the future. To make the right choice, you first need to focus on the needs of your business. For example, if you used 1C exclusively for accounting, then most likely relatively simple and inexpensive solutions such as “Bookkeeper” or “Debit-plus” will be enough for you.

If in your company 1C also covered many business processes and was used not only by accountants but also by other personnel, then it is better to shift the priority towards full-fledged ERP systems. Their implementation will require more time and resources, but as a result you will be able to provide good automation and reduce the operational burden on employees. Let’s consider several popular ERP options that are not inferior to 1C in functionality:

  • IT-Enterprise. One of the largest Ukrainian-made ERP, which covers all areas of the company’s activities and provides ample opportunities for managing groups of enterprises. It includes many integrated systems, including MRP II, CRM, MES, APS, SCM and others, so you are unlikely to have to look for additional software to solve individual business problems. The product fully complies with the current legislation of Ukraine and is regularly updated, which makes it especially attractive for Ukrainian business. Today IT-Enterprise is used by the largest companies in the country: Roshen, Ukroboronprom, Nibulon and Ukrnafta.
  • SAP. It is one of the largest and most reputable ERP systems on the global market. It contains many integrated tools and modules that allow you to automate and optimize almost all internal processes in the company: accounting, sales, production, human resource and financial management. Thanks to the use of a single and holistic system, SAP significantly improves coordination between different departments of the company, reduces costs and improves the quality of management decisions. Perhaps the main disadvantage of the product is its high cost, so it is more suitable for large businesses.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365. A line of intelligent applications from Microsoft designed to support the company’s internal processes: financial management, accounting, sales, logistics, production and customer relationships. The system contains modules for the Ukrainian market, which are created in accordance with current legislation, which greatly simplifies working with finances.
  • ODOO. It is an open source ERP of Belgian origin that covers most of the business processes. The basic version of the system is free, but has limited capabilities. If necessary, its functionality can be expanded by installing additional, already paid modules.
How to switch from 1C to another system

What mistakes should you avoid when choosing a new system?

Popular mistakes

What mistakes should you avoid when choosing a new system? Popular mistakes

When choosing software to replace 1C, companies often make mistakes. To avoid most of them, use our team’s recommendations:

  • Focus on planning. It is not enough to choose a system that will meet the needs of your business here and now. Plan your goals for several years in advance, think about how the company will move from point A to point B, and make a list of what could be improved by organizing business processes differently and changing internal procedures. Based on the data received, create a list of functions that you will need in the new program.
  • Teamwork. The choice of a new system should not be the decision of one manager. A better approach is to involve key operating personnel who are directly involved in executing the company’s business objectives in discussing options.

This will significantly reduce the risk of making an erroneous choice and will allow you to select software that employees of different departments can use as efficiently as possible.

  • Don’t try to find the perfect system. Among all the solutions that are presented on the market, you probably will not find the ideal ERP that will cover absolutely all the needs of your business. If the new software is 75-95% suitable, this can already be considered a victory, and in this case you need to think about how to fill the missing functionality. If you want to implement software that takes into account all the features and business processes of the company, you should think about investing in custom development. On the one hand, it will take longer and be more expensive, but on the other hand, such a system will create a serious impetus for further business development.
How to switch from 1C to another system

How the new system is implemented

Stages of implementation

How the new system is implemented Stages of implementation

You have selected effective software to replace 1C and are confident that it will help improve processes in your company. Great – consider half the job done. All that remains is to implement the new system into the business. This happens in several stages:

  • Step 1. Analysis. First of all, you need to audit the company. This will help you understand exactly which processes require automation and what specific tasks the new system will solve.
  • Step 2: Planning. The logic for software implementation is being developed taking into account functional needs.
  • Step 3: Deployment. The selected system is installed and configured.
  • Step 4. Data transfer. All necessary information is transferred from 1C to the new system. For example, this could be data on the balance of goods and their cost, purchase agreements, etc.
  • Step 5. Staff training. Employees at all levels are trained to use the new software.
  • Step 6. Testing and commissioning. The system modules undergo thorough testing, and after problems are eliminated, ERP begins to be fully used in business processes.
How to switch from 1C to another system



It is definitely possible to find a replacement for Russian software. But just like 1C, any ready-made control system has its drawbacks that you have to put up with. If this option does not suit you, and you want to implement software that will really help the company develop, contact AVADA MEDIA.

We develop and implement individual technical solutions and will help you create a system that fully covers the needs of your business. Fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss the project.

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The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

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5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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