Bringing NFT to a new level: 5 successful examples

Bringing NFT to a new level: 5 successful examples


Bringing NFT to a new level: 5 successful examples BLOCKCHAIN Technology

The active growth of non-fungible tokens is having an impact on business and the art world. Not only areas such as computer games are affected, but also real estate. The potential of NFT is gradually being revealed and the world is at the beginning of this path. Large corporations are showing interest in unique tokens. Large investors invest in NFTs. On the basis of non-fungible tokens, new companies are opened daily.

What is the next industry that unique tokens will enter? What developments in this area will be relevant in the near future? It is already known that multibillion-dollar transactions attract businessmen. The NFT community is updated and regularly touches new industries.

Bringing NFT to a new level: 5 successful examples

Community: values and innovations


Community: values and innovations Innovation

The construction of communities in the digital world is carried out around the creator. Participants create an impression of unity. Such values ​​of justice as one for all and all for one are becoming basic in communities.

An example of justice can be seen in the work of an artist. If earlier, after the creation of the painting and its sale, the master received the agreed amount, now there is an opportunity to earn on the growth of the popularity of the masterpiece. To do this, it is enough to add a mention of the percentage of future sales to the NFT smart contract. This add-on will help you receive funds from upcoming trades.

Is innovation possible in communities? A striking answer to this question is the work of David Bianchi. This digital artist brought social activity into the world of unique tokens. NFT spoken word poetry created by David deals with social injustice in the United States. Bianchi chose non-fungible tokens as a powerful source for change, which are already having an impact on society today.

Music and NFTs

Musical tokens

Music and NFTs Musical tokens

Musical unique tokens are in the process of formation. Existing trends indicate the possibility of a radical change in the industry thanks to the NFT. Non-fungible tokens allow you to transform the experience gained while listening to compositions or works. The performers themselves can increase interest in creativity. For example, by attaching a rare photo or an acoustic version of the performance to the NFT.

Music tokens can bring not only performers, but also their fans to a new level.

To do this, Spotify is adding new features to its platform to help express the experience of listeners.

Another promising area for music NFTs is to address the issue of copyright. Today, musicians entering into contracts with studios often lose their intellectual property rights. The situation is similar in the relationship between performers and operators of streaming audio. Unique music tokens will allow not only selling outstanding examples of creativity, but also preserving intellectual property rights.

Games and NFT

Games and NFT

Computer games and NFTs

Major computer game manufacturers have not yet shown interest in NFTs, but this does not mean that non-fungible tokens have no future in gaming. Tokenization is one of the most promising trends. In games, NFTs can be used to purchase exclusive avatars, artifacts. In blockchain-based gaming, unique tokens will soon take their rightful place. These initiatives must be joined by major game manufacturers who will be able to promote their brands to a new level with the help of NFT.

Limitless possibilities of social networks

Social networks are showing interest in NFTs. The empowerment of the community in the field of blockchain is expected by many users. Large social networks can use NFT to uniqueize their eco-environment. One of the first companies to implement unique tokens was Twitter. Subscribers can now use NFT avatars for their profile.

Bringing NFT to a new level: 5 successful examples



Avatars as a reflection of personal qualities

The theme of avatars is one of the most promising. Users have the opportunity to show personal qualities in the created images. To do this, you can take original selfies and use artificial intelligence to create a unique avatar in 3D format. The author can change the clothes, posture, emotions of the character at will, decorate with original accessories that are not available in ordinary life. An NFT-created avatar will help increase interest in the post.

What is the future of NFTs?

The true potential of non-fungible tokens is only at the beginning of its development. New use cases appear daily. Solutions such as the Metaverse will help expand the adoption of NFTs in all areas of human life.

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