Price parsing

Price parsing


Price parsing AVADA MEDIA

Parsing is the automated process of collecting data, including prices, from sites and from files available on the network. Parsing of prices is used for different purposes: this is both obtaining an array of information for analyzing the actions and strategies of competitors, and automatically filling its own sections. For example, a competitor’s price parser allows you to automatically collect this data from online stores selling the same goods in your region, display a certain average value, and automatically fill in this indicator in your online store. Thus, you do not need to manually change all prices or constantly monitor the market – which is especially true for trading highly volatile commodities or products with seasonal demand.

Parsing the prices of competitors is best done with the help of a highly specialized, developed for solving this problem, parser of prices for online stores. In this case, firstly, the accuracy of parsing increases significantly, and secondly, the user has the opportunity to fine-tune and use additional functions. Programs for parsing prices from the site are created mainly in the Python programming language, which is optimal for creating scripts and programming algorithms and provides high speed. AVADA MEDIA employs professional senior and middle level Python programmers, we have experience in creating price parsers for an order based on a client’s specifications.

Parsing prices

Why do you need price parsing


Why do you need price parsing AVADA MEDIA

Parsing data, and above all, parsing competitors’ prices is an important procedure when conducting large-scale competitive analysis. The fact is that the retail market is experiencing significant problems with adequate pricing, which is influenced by many factors. Food prices change depending on the season, weather, demand. They are affected by an increase or decrease in the cost of fuel, the dollar exchange rate, and the volume of imports. It is also quite difficult to keep track of prices in the retail sector of non-food products – and after all, a product whose price is higher than the market price will not be sold – and if the price is lower, the seller will receive less profit.

The second area where price parsing plays a huge role is in real estate trading. The cost of renting or selling housing, commercial real estate, land plots is a very dynamic indicator. Especially when it comes to the secondary real estate market, prices on which are formed not by dozens of large developers, but by tens of thousands of owners selling housing. In this case, the price parser will help the realtor to select the most profitable real estate options for the clients, both for them and for themselves in terms of commission, and always be aware of the trends in this market.

The price parser can be configured to retrieve information from all open ad sites, including specialized groups and communities on social networks.Another area where price parsing is very necessary is to check whether the retail price matches the manufacturer’s recommended selling prices. In this case, the parser collects prices not from competitors’ sites, but from partner sites – companies that sell your products. If your products are sold by hundreds of retailers, and even more so if the implementation does not take place in one stage, price parsing is the most reasonable solution.

It is even more important to collect the prices of competitors in the service sector, as this area has the most dynamic pricing. To always meet the expectations of your customers, you need to be aware of competitors’ offerings. The information received may force you to revise your marketing policy towards decreasing prices or increasing the volume of services, as well as introducing additional services to attract customers.

Parsing prices

How prices are parsed and what solutions exist


How prices are parsed and what solutions exist AVADA MEDIA

By functionality, price parsers can be divided into highly specialized and broad-spectrum solutions. And according to the method of implementation – on box solutions installed on the customer’s server, and on SaaS applications (Software as a Service) – that is, applications that the client uses as a subscriber. Each solution has its pros and cons – a SaaS application is suitable for those who do not need to conduct parsing on a regular basis, it is better to order a boxed solution for those who conduct competitive analysis on a regular basis.

The price parser analyzes the HTML markup of the competitor’s website according to the algorithm and saves the received data in the format required by the customer – it can be either a regular Excel table, or a database document in sql format or an html document.  Many online stores have learned how to protect sites from parsing – for example, a site can ban a server from which there are too many http requests. To avoid this, we configure the parser to work through a proxy server.


There are also more cunning ways to protect sites from competitors collecting prices – some of them are bypassed with the help of a professional parser, the development of which can be ordered from AVADA MEDIA. In addition to the actual parsing of prices, the parser program can also analyze the received data and even automatically place prices in product descriptions.

The development of the price parser is carried out in accordance with the customer’s specifications under the contract. Using a parser ensures optimal price positioning and reduces the cost of specialist services.

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The user, filling out an application on the website https://avada-media.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

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