CRM systems for business

How to switch from 1C to your CRM

How to switch from 1C to your CRM

Refusal from 1C CRM

How to switch from 1C to your CRM Refusal from 1C CRM

The demand for 1C CRM in the Ukrainian market was largely due to its wide integration capabilities with the 1C management system. If you remove this link, numerous shortcomings of the system begin to surface: heaviness, unfriendly interface, software errors and many other nuances. Until recently, many companies were willing to put up with this, but after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the situation completely changed.

If in 2020 the 1C CRM system was used by 15.1% of Ukrainian companies, then in 2023 the share of all CRM of Russian origin does not exceed 5% and continues to gradually decline.

Moreover, in the near future an official ban on the use of software from the Russian Federation will be introduced in Ukraine, as a result of which the corresponding software will be completely withdrawn from the market.

This means that even those companies that still continue to use 1C CRM need to think about switching to a new system. There are two options here – look for an alternative “boxed” solution, or order the development of a custom CRM. In this article we will look at the pros and cons of both options.

How to switch from 1C to your CRM

What you need to know about ready-made CRMs

Features of template CRM systems

What you need to know about ready-made CRMs Features of template CRM systems

Ready-made CRMs are general-purpose systems. They are designed so that any business with standard processes can implement them. This is their main advantage and disadvantage at the same time, because most companies do not work according to any universal scheme. Much more often, a business should be viewed as a complex mechanism with many characteristics.

Main features of ready-made solutions:

  • They offer a standard set of modules.
  • Quickly implemented.
  • They have a relatively low cost.

This is where the benefits end. And even if at first glance it seems that the monthly fee for a ready-made solution is small, the costs of customization and adding users often add up to a large sum. At the same time, you won’t be able to completely adapt such a CRM to your tasks—you’ll have to use what you have.

Most often, ready-made customer relationship automation systems are used in two cases: if the company is young and does not yet have the resources for custom development, or when a business wants to test different CRMs in order to understand what functions it needs to work, and take this information into account during custom development.

How to switch from 1C to your CRM

Why you should invest in a custom CRM

Benefits of custom CRM

Why you should invest in a custom CRM Benefits of custom CRM

An individual CRM is initially developed for a specific business, taking into account its parameters and subtleties of operation. You decide for yourself what modules or integrations you need, how different departments will communicate using the system, and how the chain of interaction with customers will be built. Advantages of custom systems:

  • Unlimited integration possibilities. You can easily connect an individual CRM with any management system that you will use instead of 1C, as well as with other services necessary for effective work with clients: instant messengers and social networks – for launching automated mailings, delivery services, and so on.
  • User-friendly interface. During the development of a custom CRM design, the project’s information architecture, content strategy and navigation system are carefully considered. Add to this the absence of “extra” modules and we will get the most convenient interface in which your employees will feel comfortable working.
  • Possibility of implementing any functionality. In an individual CRM you can order the development of absolutely any modules necessary to improve your business and automate processes.
  • Data security. When using 1C CRM, you need to understand that it is not supported in Ukraine. Moreover, in this case, your company’s internal data is stored on Russian servers, which creates very real risks for it. The implementation of an individual CRM will allow you to avoid them. You will store important information on your own secure servers, which minimizes the likelihood of leaks and makes the company independent of external suppliers.
  • No monthly fee. You pay once for the development of the required functionality, and then use CRM without restrictions.
  • Possibility of improvement. If the need arises for a new module or function, you can always order its development.
How to switch from 1C to your CRM

What technologies are used to develop CRM


What technologies are used to develop CRM Technologies

When choosing a stack, our team always strives to select the optimal set of technologies that can ensure good performance and stability of the system.

For example, if you need a small CRM that can be used by several dozen people at the same time, standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the client side, and Python or PHP for the server side, will be sufficient. This way we can reduce development time and save the client’s budget.

To develop complex and high-load solutions with many unique features, the React and Vue frameworks are more suitable for the front, and Yii2, Laravel, Django or Flask for the back.

When developing a mobile version of CRM, there are also options. Most often, we give priority to the cross-platform Flutter framework. With its help, you can create an application that will work simultaneously on IOS and Android, which saves up to 30% of the budget. But, if necessary, we can also implement the project using native technologies – Kotlin and Swift.

How to switch from 1C to your CRM

How the CRM development process is organized in AVADA MEDIA

Development stages

How the CRM development process is organized in AVADA MEDIA Development stages

Companies structure their design, development, and project management processes differently. We will tell you how individual CRMs are created in our company. The implementation consists of 7 successive stages:

  • Collection of information. Creating a CRM begins with business research. Our specialists study how the company is structured, how processes operate within it, how document flow is organized, what roles employees have, and much more. The project manager discusses the project with the customer to understand their requirements, views and expectations, and take this into account during development.
  • Prototype. Based on the data collected in the previous stage, the team creates a prototype of the project. It allows you to understand how the future CRM will look and function. Such a mockup consists of four main components: interface warframes, a table with a description of the functionality, flowcharts of functions and project mathematics – formulas responsible for the implementation of business logic.
  • Design. A UI kit and a unique CRM interface design are created. To achieve optimal results, we offer the client several implementation options.
  • Development. The team studies the project architecture and begins technical implementation using the selected stack. This process can be divided into two parts: frontend – creating the client part with which users will interact, and backend – implementing the server part, which is responsible for the functionality, API integration and data security.
  • QA testing. To ensure the quality of the final product, in parallel with technical development, QA engineers conduct CRM testing and monitor the elimination of bugs.
  • Technical support and development. The new CRM is put into operation, company employees are trained to work with the new software and begin to use it in their work. The further task of our team is to provide competent technical support and development of the product so that it always meets the current challenges of the client’s business.

The AVADA MEDIA team will help your company “painlessly” abandon 1C CRM and switch from Russian software to a more modern and efficient technical solution. If you would like to discuss a project with our specialists, fill out the form below and we will call you back within 24 hours.

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I accept User agreement and I give my consent to processing of my personal data
Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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