
Unity developer


Unity developer Unity developer

Need developers to launch a game on Unity? Select the most suitable specialists from our staff and start working the very next day. And we will take full responsibility for all bureaucracy and HR issues.

Who is the outstaffing model suitable for?

What is outstaffing

Who is the outstaffing model suitable for? Who is the outstaffing model suitable for?

If you want to delegate the development of the game to a third-party team and participate in its implementation to a minimum, outsourcing will most likely be more suitable for you. But if you intend to fully control work processes, set priorities yourself, assign tasks to specialists and monitor their implementation, hiring specialists using the outstaffing model would be the ideal choice.

For the entire duration of cooperation, our Unity developer actually becomes part of your internal team, and is engaged in the implementation of the project under your full leadership. You interact with him directly, due to which the communication chain is reduced, and the speed of decision-making and the developer’s involvement in the project, on the contrary, increase.

The outstaff model can be useful in many situations:

  • You form your own team to develop the game. There is no need to waste time searching and developing specialists. Hire experienced developers from our pool who can be immediately involved in completing tasks.
  • You need to speed up development. Our specialists will take on complex complex processes and help you meet deadlines.
  • You need to find a replacement for the current developer. An important employee unexpectedly left, and at the most inopportune moment? We will help you quickly find a specialist with the required stack who can replace it.
  • You need to strengthen your team. Complex problems require non-standard solutions. If your team lacks experience in any area, our developers can fill the necessary gaps.

Why choose an outstaffing model?

Benefits of outstaffing

Why choose an outstaffing model? Why choose an outstaffing model?

Hiring Unity developers through the outstaffing model gives you several serious advantages:

  • You are in complete control of the processes. You don’t need to rely on an external project manager, or explain to a third-party team what results you want to achieve. You yourself are “at the helm” and manage all work processes, set deadlines and control the results.
  • Quick start. For an outstaff developer, your project is the only one, not one of many. This means that he will spend all his working time only on its implementation, without being distracted by other tasks, which will significantly bring the release date closer.
  • No additional costs. You only pay for the tracker time, and all other costs are our concern. You won’t have to look for an office, think about a social package or pay additional taxes, which will reduce costs and simplify financial planning.
  • No need to waste time on recruiting. We have already collected the best Unity developers in one place. Study their CVs and select the most suitable specialist – by level, skills and budget, and get to work right away. If necessary, our programmers are ready to undergo any technical interview. Just prepare your questions and schedule a time.
  • No unnecessary bureaucracy. You only need to sign the contract. We will take care of all other paperwork.
  • Stability and security. Unlike freelancers, an outsourced developer is bound by a contract and will not leave the project at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, in case of various force majeure, we always have a suitable replacement.

How it works in our company


How it works in our company How it works in our company

AVADA MEDIA has a pool of Unity developers, whom we provide using an outstaffing model. All of them are our full-time employees, so we fully guarantee their experience and professional qualities. You can study the CV of each of them, or use our recommendations to select the most suitable person for your team.

The cooperation roadmap looks like this:

  • You leave a request on our website, describe your project and say what specialists you need.
  • We carefully study the project and make recommendations on which developers, in our opinion, are best suited to implement it. At the same time, we provide you with access to the CVs of Unity developers from our database.
  • You conduct interviews with the selected specialists, including technical interviews, to ensure that they are suitable for your project.
  • When suitable developers are found for you, we sign a contract that clearly states the implementation time frame, cost, guarantees and product quality criteria.
  • Developers begin completing tasks under your guidance.

If you’re ready to take action, contact us and let’s start recruiting Unity developers for your project today!

Why us


Why us Why us

If you need to find a Unity developer, find one with us. Just choose your resume and contact us. Here you can find programmers or complete ready-made teams for a specific project. The work uses modern planning and control methods – SCRUM, Agile, the sprint method. The quality and terms of performance, as well as the terms of reference are part of the contract that we sign with you.




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