Mobile developer Mobile developer

A mobile developer with up to 10 years of experience is ready to implement any of your projects or startups

Outsourced mobile developer


Outsourced mobile developer Outsourced mobile developer

Almost every startup involves the creation of its own mobile application. Large corporate clients, including banks, pension funds, insurance and logistics companies, retailers – all of them also strive to be on the smartphone of each of their clients. That is why many people need to hire a mobile developer for a specific project, and as soon as possible.

But in reality, things may not be so simple. Good mobile app developers – both native and cross-platform – are often full-time already employed, and freelancers are not always qualified. We offer you a way out of the situation: if you need a mobile developer or a ready-made development team, hire them from AVADA MEDIA!


Why is it so difficult to find a mobile developer


Why is it so difficult to find a mobile developer Why is it so difficult to find a mobile developer

The profession is quite complex and requires a specialist to develop possession of several important skills. So, he needs to be user-centric – which means an excellent understanding of UI / UX. You also need to have an analytical mind, which allows you to analyze many different factors and take them into account during the development process. Excellent communication skills are required to work in a team and interact with testers, project managers, application support, PC version developers and even customers.


It takes attention to detail and a willingness to learn all the time. Technologies are constantly evolving, so you need to grasp everything literally on the fly! And this is in addition to a lot of highly specialized knowledge and skills that are required to develop the simplest application. Naturally, there are not so many good specialists with all the necessary skills – and they prefer permanent employment to project work.




A profession like a mobile developer requires serious training and constant development. After all, mobile electronics is far from limited to smartphones. This is a variety of modern gadgets – smartwatches, fitness bracelets, as well as a variety of highly specialized devices for medical, scientific, research purposes and much more. This is, without exaggeration, the profession of the future, and it is here that you can find specialists in this field.

Who needs a mobile developer


Who needs a mobile developer Who needs a mobile developer

You definitely need a mobile developer if you:

  • develop corporate products in any area;
  • work in the field of retail, finance, logistics, energy;
  • want to develop mobile games and entertainment applications. The huge industry of games designed for a wide variety of users requires qualified developers – after all, competitors are always ready to throw a
  • mediocre product out of the market;
  • creating an educational product. Applications for learning foreign languages, driving rules, mathematics and cooking – occupy the first lines of the AppStore and Google Play, of course, provided that they are made with high quality;
  • creating mobile banking or a similar product in insurance, pension, etc. This is where the security of personal data comes to the fore, which is ensured by reliable mobile developers;
  • want to launch a highly specialized application for any task in the scientific, entrepreneurial, industrial fields, etc.

Why you should contact AVADA MEDIA

We cooperate with hundreds of developers, including in the field of mobile development. You can find all resumes of senior and middle developers on our website. We are responsible for the professional suitability and personal business qualities of each programmer whose resume we have. You can also hire ready-made development teams for specific projects.


The development is carried out according to the SCRUM methodology, which allows to significantly speed up the process and establish effective interaction with the customer. The quality assurance and compliance with the development deadlines are spelled out in the contract that you conclude with AVADA MEDIA. You can find specialists and get acquainted with their portfolio in our resume database.




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