
Vue.js developer for your project


Vue.js developer for your project Vue.js developer for your project

Vue.js developers with 4+ years of experience are ready to implement any of your projects or startups

Vue.js developer for your project


Vue.js developer for your project Vue.js developer for your project

Looking for a Vue.js developer for an enterprise product or startup, but can’t find a suitable candidate? The lack of good specialists to work with JavaScript frameworks has indeed become a noticeable problem – the market is constantly experiencing a shortage of such programmers.

Finding a Vue.js developer for a project with a clear timeline is especially difficult. We will help you find a development specialist or a team of programmers using the Vue.js framework for a specific project. To do this, just look at the resume of specialists with a portfolio on the website of the AVADA MEDIA company and contact us to conclude an agreement.


Why do I need a Vue.js programmer and what they should be able to do


Why do I need a Vue.js programmer and what they should be able to do Why do I need a Vue.js programmer and what they should be able to do

Vue.js is used to develop user interface for websites or single page web applications, so called spa applications. Applications built with the vue.js framework are easy to scale and easy to maintain. It is a full-fledged frontend development framework that meets the main criteria for such tools: ensuring modularity, scalability, and easy application support.


Therefore, if your project involves the creation of a web application with a complex architecture and many interacting components, you just need to hire a Vue.js developer. Such a specialist should have a wide range of competencies and skills. One of the main things for such a specialist is an excellent knowledge of JavaScript. He also needs to understand modern programming concepts, including KISS, DRY, programming patterns.

You need to know and apply best practices such as code review and pair programming, as well as be able to break complex systems into separate subsystems and components. Of course, it is important to have a deep understanding of how the browser works, how the script interacts with the page and its elements. A Vue.js developer should be able to work with cascading style pages and understand the layout, as well as use builders.


Such a developer with many competencies very rarely sits without a job, and a highly paid one. It is possible to find a freelancer for outsourcing, but who can vouch for his skills, competencies and business reputation? And if the monetary losses can be compensated, then it is extremely difficult to catch up with the wasted time, because competitors are literally breathing down their necks.

Why you should contact us


Why you should contact us Why you should contact us

You don’t need to understand the technical nuances – the main thing is to know where you can find a specialist to develop a complex web application with many components. The AVADA MEDIA website contains the CVs of hundreds of IT professionals, including the developers of Vue.js. Each of them is a team member whose experience, skills and reputation we vouch for. With us, you can hire both an individual developer and a ready-made team, including specialists of different profiles – from a layout designer to a tester – for a specific project.


You conclude an agreement with AVADA MEDIA, which includes development terms, terms of reference and quality assurance, after which the project is put into operation. The development is carried out according to the SCRUM methodology with logging of all tasks, so you will always know who is responsible for which section and in what time frame each stage will be completed.




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