Site types

What types of sites are there? Site types

Each site is designed to solve specific problems. Online stores generate traffic and sell goods, business card sites increase the recognition and reputation of a business, and corporate portals are aimed at optimizing the company’s internal processes and helping its employees interact with each other.

Which website to develop for your business depends only on the niche and your priorities. In this article, we will talk in detail about the main types of sites, their features, tasks and benefits, so that you can choose the best option.

Site types

Simple sites Site types

Landing page

Landing page is a site that consists of one page and is designed to present a specific product or service. The effectiveness of the landing is due to the fact that it is focused on one task – to persuade the user to perform the target action. To do this, the content in it is located in a special way to convey to a potential client the value and benefits of a product or service. On average, a landing page increases sales performance by up to 30%.

Landing page development takes relatively little time, so it is often used to present new products and services, promote online events, and solve many other problems.

Business  website

Such a site acts as a business card and at the same time an advertising platform for a company or individual. It has a light and concise design, and its content is often limited to 2-4 pages.

The business card site contains only basic information about the enterprise and does not involve the publication of articles. Therefore, it is convenient to administer it even without the participation of a content manager. Nevertheless, the resource must be well optimized for search engines so that its search on the Internet does not cause difficulties for potential visitors.

Site types

More sophisticated website options Site types

Corporate sites

A corporate website helps to solve external and internal tasks of the company. On the one hand, it represents the business on the Internet and opens up a new channel of communication with customers and partners, and on the other hand, it helps to improve workflows. For example, such a site is often used to organize the work of staff, search for and train new employees, maintain digital document management, and many other purposes.

To make the corporate website as convenient and efficient as possible, it can be integrated with the company’s internal systems.

Websites with a personal account

A personal account is a personal page that only one person has access to. It may store, for example, personal and payment data, discount cards, digital products purchased by the customer and other individual information. In simple terms, sites with a personal account provide each user with their own personal mini-database.

This type of site is often used by banks, marketplaces, educational platforms, business services, social networks and other companies focused on providing personalized services.


Promo sites

Such resources are created in addition to the main website of the company and are used to promote its individual products and services – for example, promotional or new offers.

When creating promo sites, special attention is paid to design. They are characterized by a large number of high-quality graphics, animations and visualizations. 2D and 3D configurators are often used. This improves the effectiveness of the product presentation and, as a result, significantly increases the conversion rate.

Image site

An image site builds a clear association with the brand, emphasizes the status and demonstrates to visitors that your company is one of a kind, and not one of many.

This type of site helps to tell about the advantages of the company not only in words, but also through visual images. Therefore, it is characterized by a unique design, laconic structure and carefully selected content. To improve positions in search engines, a section with a blog can be integrated on the image site, which will allow telling a wide audience about important events in the life of the brand.


Types of sites

Types of sites

Portfolio website

A portfolio site is a great opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and case studies. It allows you to present your professionalism in the best light and attract potential employers or clients.

This type of site contains a gallery in which images of completed works are published and a flexible filter system that helps visitors quickly find the information they are interested in. In addition, the portfolio may include image elements that form the necessary associations and impressions.


The purpose of such sites is to provide customers with comprehensive information about the company’s products. Unlike online stores, catalog sites cannot make an instant purchase. On the contrary, they involve additional consultation with business representatives. This approach is especially relevant when selling goods with a complex configuration, such as metal-plastic windows or cars.

Particular attention in this type of sites is given to the quality presentation of products. For this, professional photos, videos or 2D and 3D configurators can be used.

Types of sites

Types of sites

Event Sites

The event website allows you to tell a wide range of people about the upcoming event and solves most of the administrative issues, including:

  • Formation of the list of participants.
  • Seating planning.
  • Drawing up a presentation plan.
  • Organization of logistics.
  • Menu selection.

This type of site will be useful in preparing a seminar, business conference, music festival and other events.

Online services

Online services help users solve a variety of tasks on the Internet: conduct financial transactions, make purchases, edit and share multimedia, plot transport routes, and much more. The main advantage of such tools is that they work in a browser interface. This means that they can be used from any device without the need to download.

Popular online services include:

  • Electronic wallets.
  • Tools for booking tickets and hotels.
  • Web navigators.
  • Online messaging tools.
  • Search tools.

Quiz sites

Quizzes are sites with an element of gamification that offer the visitor to take a thematic online quiz, and in return get something useful or interesting. Such tests help businesses solve several important problems:

  • Get personal details of potential buyers, at least a name, e-mail or phone number.
  • It is better to know the interests of the potential audience.
  • Increase customer engagement.
  • Attract new customers due to the “virality” of the site.
Types of sites

Types of sites


Internet portals are large sites that provide content to users with different interests and goals. Speaking conditionally, the portals combine several sites of different subjects that operate on the same domain, adhere to the same policy and have a single corporate style.

A prime example of portals is city sites where users can read the news, post advertisements, look for jobs, and view event posters.

There is no clear classification of portals, but they can be divided into two main categories: B2B – designed to simplify the interaction between companies and B2C – focused on working with a wide audience.


After a short pause, forums began to gain popularity again – more and more companies use this type of site to form a loyal audience around their product or brand. In addition, forum participants partially take on the work of the service department, helping each other solve various issues, thereby reducing the operational burden on the company’s staff and reducing the cost of maintaining official online support.

The forum can be implemented on the basis of the company’s main domain or as a separate resource where users can log in, register and start chatting with like-minded people.

Today you can find forums on a variety of topics, including technical, gaming, fishing and political.

Types of sites

Types of sites

CRM systems

CRM is a business management program that allows you to automate sales and improve communication between different departments of the company. In addition, such systems provide comprehensive analytics about the quality and quantity of leads, the speed of processing applications and the effectiveness of individual employees, which can be used to grow a business.

Exchange websites

Online exchangers are small virtual platforms where users can quickly, safely and with minimal commissions exchange one currency for another. As a rule, exchangers can work not only with fiat, but also with digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and others. However, to work with cryptocurrency, in addition to the main functionality, the implementation of smart contracts will also be required.

Site types

Platforms for the sale of goods Site types

Online stores

Online stores allow companies to fully or partially transfer sales to the online segment and expand the geography of attracting customers. Unlike offline stores, sites are not limited to the location of a particular street or city and can work around the world 24/7. Actually, this is due to their popularity in small, medium and large businesses.

The main difference between online stores and other types of sites is the ability to sell goods online. To accept payments, they use payment gateways, such as LiqPay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and others.


The marketplace is similar to an online store, but with an emphasis on a wider range of products. It acts as an intermediary between third-party sellers and buyers, providing a digital infrastructure for their safe and comfortable interaction.

In fact, the marketplace is a trading platform that unites the site of thousands of entrepreneurs, so you can find literally everything in its assortment – from building materials to clothes and baby food. Due to this, this type of site generates huge traffic, an order of magnitude greater than the capabilities of classic online stores.

Notice boards

Such sites act as intermediaries between the authors of the ads and their clients. On the one hand, they are an effective sales channel for companies and individuals, and on the other hand, they help users find the goods and services they are interested in. Bulletin boards are general and specialized. In the second case, only ads of a certain category can be placed on them.

Such sites are monetized mainly through the placement of ads and the provision of paid services.

Site types

Websites for personal purposes Site types

Personal site

A personal website is a personal portal of a person where he can publish absolutely any information: post a portfolio, share creativity, present his services or blog. Unlike social networks, which are often used for such purposes, the site provides complete functional freedom and often has great authority.


A blog is a website dedicated to a specific topic. It helps to maintain contact with customers, increase awareness, share thoughts with a wide audience and demonstrate your expertise.

Such sites are characterized by a light and relaxed design, a convenient filter system, and the publication of articles in them occurs in reverse chronological order.

There are two main types of blogs:

  • Copyright – maintained by a specific person, who most often is its owner.
  • Corporate – maintained by companies and may contain publications from many different authors.
Site types

Sites for disseminating information Site types

Information sites

Information sites are aimed at providing users with interesting, exciting and useful content, and do not sell any goods or services. As a rule, such sites are more loyally perceived by the audience and are distinguished by high attendance.

Information sites are of two types:

  • Thematic – such sites specialize in covering one specific topic, for example, design, games, health, construction, and so on.
  • Information portals cover several popular niches at once.

The main income of information sites, as a rule, is formed by advertising publications, reviews and placement of paid ads.

News sites

News resources can be called one of the varieties of information sites. They cover high-profile events in a particular region, country or around the world, and their main task is to attract the maximum number of readers through the prompt publication of important and interesting information.

News sites can be classified according to the topic they cover. For example, it can be economic, political or sports news, events from the world of show business, and so on.

Site types

Complex web systems Site types

Aggregator sites

Aggregators collect information on various external sites and provide users with an “all in one place” format, which makes it much easier to find the right content. Additionally, aggregators can create various ratings and tops of companies in different directions, which, on the one hand, simplify the choice for visitors, and, on the other hand, increase the credibility of companies within the platform.

Aggregators receive the main profit for including companies/brands in the listing and providing them with paid features.

WEB applications

Web applications are special programs that run in a browser interface. They do not need to be pre-installed on the user’s device, due to which they are completely independent of platforms and operating systems, which is quite profitable in terms of investment.

If we talk about the functionality of web applications, then it is practically unlimited. For example, this type of site is often used to create online banking, CRM systems, design tools such as Figma, and other complex systems.


LMS sites

More and more people are choosing to get their education online. Language learning, advanced training courses, training in driving schools and even classes at universities – all this has long moved online. Therefore, LMS, or simply learning management systems, are now at the peak of popularity.

This type of site provides a digital infrastructure for storing and distributing educational content, conducting online classes, tracking student progress, and managing administrative issues. In fact, he has everything for organizing online learning.

Social network

Social networks are large online platforms for communication and content sharing. Depending on the usage model and target audience, social networks can be equipped with different functionality.

For example, Facebook focuses on the distribution of text posts and photos, while Discord is focused on the gaming segment and specializes in video streaming and real-time voice communication.

Site types

Video streaming sites Site types

Online cinemas

Platforms for watching movies and series are also called streaming services. They are very popular in the market and, according to the latest data, account for 60% of all Internet traffic. Prominent representatives of this industry are Netflix, Amazon Prime and Apple TV.

The meaning of such sites is quite simple – they provide the ability to view video content in exchange for a paid subscription. However, the monetization model may differ.

Video hosting

Unlike online cinemas, video hosting sites allow not only viewing content, but also uploading your own videos to the site for distribution on the Web.

Such sites can be used for video blogging, product advertising and other purposes. YouTube is currently the most popular video hosting site.

Site types

Website development in AVADA MEDIA Site types

Despite the popularization of mobile and desktop applications, the web remains one of the main platforms for online business promotion. And there are many reasons for that – they work on different devices and do not depend on the OS, their development requires much less time and resources, and the functionality is in no way inferior to other solutions.

This makes investing in website development worthwhile for most businesses. When developing a web resource, we take into account not only its type, but also the individual needs of your company, selecting unique technical solutions for any business tasks.

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Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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