Web application development

Why is it profitable to develop a business on the Internet?

Web application development Why is it profitable to develop a business on the Internet?

Creating web applications for smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers is the best investment in the development of the company. These universal solutions simplify and optimize business processes for both owners and customers. At the same time, all commercial data will be located in a fault-tolerant and secure cloud storage. Access to the necessary functions of the program can be easily obtained through a web browser on any device.

To meet the demands of the times and withstand competition, the company’s web resources must open equally well and quickly on desktop computers and mobile devices.

A change in the approach to site layout does not allow a qualitative leap in business development. To grow online conversions and dramatically increase metrics, you need interactivity.

An organization’s web resource should not provide static information at the user’s request, but dynamically generate web pages with exactly the data that the client needs. That is why, everywhere, the creation of static websites, portals, and landings is replaced by the development of web applications.


Functionality and Architecture

What are web apps?

Functionality and Architecture What are web apps?

Many sites and portals that we visit every day are actually web applications. These are mail resources, social media pages, search tools, online banking systems, online stores, online editors, games, and much more.

As already mentioned, the key difference between web applications and websites is that they are not static data in the form of documents on the Internet. Executable programs. Web applications are client-server solutions that are stored on the server and are executed both on the server and on the user’s computer or smartphone.

  • The back end of the web application is the main part of the program where the calculations take place. They are carried out on the basis of Internet requests of users sent via web browsers. Moreover, many clients can have access to the server side of web applications. For the development of the back-end parts of web applications, developers who are familiar with the technologies of PHP, ASP, Perl, C / C ++, Java, Python, etc. are attracted.
  • The client part of the web application (Front-end) is the interactive part of the program executed in a web browser on a user’s computer, smartphone, or tablet. It implements the user interface of a web application and is downloaded to devices in the form of dynamic web pages. Web applications run on any device and operating system where there are Internet browsers. For the development of front-end parts of web applications, developers who are familiar with the technologies of React.js, Vue.js,Β  JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ajax, and others are engaged.
  • A web application database is a huge array of all kinds of information that a business needs. At the request of the user, the server part of the web application uses this data to process and provide it to the end client.

Thus, the development of web applications allows you to abandon the binding of a mobile or application program to any particular platform – Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS. Web applications will work wherever there is a web browser and Internet access.

SPA: Single Page Web Applications

Single Page Application

SPA: Single Page Web Applications Single Page Application

A special case of developing web applications, which today is an undoubted trend, is the creation of so-called β€œapplications from one web page” (Single Page Application). They represent a resource (for example, a multi-page portal) from one web page to which, depending on the user’s actions, the necessary executable code is loaded in the form of program scripts and content. Thousands of files, documents, and program scripts can be stored on the server of such a web application, but only some of them will be launched on the user’s device.

Thus, traffic is significantly saved, since only those scripts and the content that the user needs are downloaded to the device, and not all software components of the web application. At the same time, a universal solution is created for different devices: for each smartphone, tablet, or laptop, its own set of software scripts is downloaded. This approach to the development of web applications makes it possible to run software solutions in an Internet browser with a complex architecture and interface that is not close to a standard website, but rather to an application program.


What are the benefits of developing web apps?


What are the benefits of developing web apps? WEB-SYSTEM

The main advantage that business receives from developing web applications is the win-win strategy with respect to the owner of the Internet resource and the client. The user receives a convenient, fast, and affordable digital service. The site owner receives a tool for automating business processes. The key advantages of web applications can be set in several points:

  • cross-platform: access to web applications is carried out from any device;
  • profitability: the customer does not need to pay for application development for different operating systems;
  • universality: web applications do not need installation and updating;
  • performance: data is calculated on the server, and device resources are used to a minimum;
  • scalability: it is possible to improve the quality of the web application (for example, with an increase in the number of users) by improving the hardware of the server;
  • security: user data is stored in the cloud on the server, and not on the device;
  • interactivity: the interaction of the server and the client makes it possible to personalize the user and provide each with individual data;
  • consistency: web applications facilitate the work of the business and customer services.

How does professional web application development work?

Development stages

How does professional web application development work? Development stages

If you want to order the development of web applications, it is enough to focus on the general scheme of software development that we use in our work. To do this, we use a modern approach to project management on the SCRUM system. This development model involves a flexible approach to creating digital services, divided into time intervals in the form of sprints for 1-2 weeks. At the end of each of the temporary iterations, the client can control the process of developing web applications by making suggestions and adjustments.

The overall web application development cycle includes these steps.

  • An analysis of business requirements and market conditions is necessary to find out the target audience of a digital product, understand its functionality and check for competitors.
  • Drafting technical specifications: requirements for the development of a web application should be documented.
  • Prototyping web applications is a key step in allowing you to think through and visualize the entire logic of a digital product.
  • Interface design development involves drawing graphic solutions that fully and conveniently meet the functionality of the web application.
  • Adaptive layout of a web application is the implementation of interface design on different devices.
  • Programming the server and client parts of the program is the main stage in the development of web applications.
  • Testing web applications is necessarily carried out not only at the final release stage but also the development process.
  • Launching and technical support involve placing a web application on the customer’s server, followed by servicing the resource.

In addition to the direct development of web applications, we are also ready to provide services to promote a new digital service.


Why it is worth ordering the development of web applications from our company


Why it is worth ordering the development of web applications from our company AVADA-MEDIA

We are ready to design and develop such web applications as:

  • e-commerce systems and online sales;
  • services in the field of registration and reservation of services;
  • educational and entertainment web resources;
  • business process automation systems according to the type of CRM and ERP solutions;
  • accounting and logistics web applications;
  • Internet solutions for the construction market and real estate;
  • financial systems of payments and transfers, cashback services (FinTech projects);
  • solutions in the field of online marketing and advertising (MarTech and AdTech projects);
  • interactive multifunctional web portals, etc.

For the development and testing of web applications in our state, there are teams of qualified Back-end and Front-end developers, QA specialists, and system engineers (DevOps). Having a considerable portfolio of completed projects and many hours of team experience in the joint development of web applications, we create digital projects that will qualitatively improve your business performance. The systems of remote control and project management that we use allow us to transparently see the effectiveness of the entire process of developing a web application from setting technical specifications to the final release and acceptance testing.

We are developing an application for such industries

Business directions

We are developing an application for such industries Business directions


The main steps to creating a web application WEB-SYSTEM

Analysis of business requirements and market conditions

It is necessary to find the target audience of a digital product, understand its functionality and check the presence of competitors.

Drawing up technical specifications

Web application development requirements must be documented.

Prototyping Web Application

A key stage that helps you to think through and visualize the entire logic of the digital product.

Development of interface design

It involves drawing graphic solutions that fully and conveniently meet the functionality of a web application

Adaptable page-proofs Web Application

This is an implementation of interface design on different devices.

Programming the server and client parts of the program

This is the main stage of web application development.

Testing Web Apps

Necessarily carried out not only at the stage of the final release, but also during the development process.

Launch and technical support

It implies the placement of a web application on the customer’s server with subsequent maintenance of the resource.

Scaling and improvements

If necessary, any web application can acquire new features and integrate into third-party systems.

Fresh works

We create space projects

Fresh works

The best confirmation of our qualifications and professionalism are the stories of the success of our clients and the differences in their business before and after working with us.

Our clients

What they say about us

Our clients What they say about us

Successful projects are created only by the team

Our team

Successful projects
are created only by the team Our team

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I accept User agreement and I give my consent to processing of my personal data
Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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