Development of technical specifications for the creation of a website

The importance of TK for the site


The importance of TK for the site AVADA MEDIA

Why is the technical task for creating a website the most important step in its design? the fact is that usually the customer and the technician think and express their thoughts differently.

Therefore, a competently drafted technical assignment for creating a website allows you to combine the wishes of the customer and the technical description of the project and make it as effective as possible. This is a kind of optimization of the customer’s wishes in a form that is understandable for the contractor.

Depending on what our customer wants, the terms of reference for creating a website can vary greatly. Both in format and complexity. Nevertheless, regardless of the complexity of the project, we always use the same most effective approach in the design and creation of technical specifications.

With the joint efforts of all our specialists. we draw up a technical task that would 100% reflect the structure of the future site and give the maximum result in terms of efficiency after launch.

Development of technical specifications for the creation of a website

The process of creating a technical assignment for a website


The process of creating a technical assignment for a website AVADA MEDIA

How does the creation of technical specifications usually take place? It is important for us to know what end result our client wants to achieve. See the product the same way the owner sees it. To do this, before designing, we arrange a conference meeting, where the project manager carefully examines the desires, goals and vision of our client. All clarifying questions are asked, details are discussed, the goals of the future project are fixed.

We do not unquestioningly fulfill all the ideas and wishes of our clients. We recommend how best to do to achieve the desired result. Then we find the optimal and compromise ways to implement the customer’s idea. This is reasonable, because only professionals know about all the nuances of web design. The client can also make mistakes in risk assessment, technical part, search engine optimization.

After that, the TK is transferred to the designer, or to the design department, if the project is voluminous and diverse.

UX / UI specialists, SEO optimizers, business analysts, integrators, designers and marketers work with such orders. In the course of the process, the project manager constantly communicates with the customer, and, if necessary, makes changes to the TOR.

Is there a specific example of a technical assignment for the development of a website?

There is no single template for the reasons described above – each project has its own degree of TOR complexity.

Below you can see project options for online stores, corporate sites and web applications. Over 10 years of experience, we have accumulated examples of technical specifications for almost any business sector.

Development of technical specifications for the creation of a website

Why is it worth ordering a technical specification for the development of a website from us


Why is it worth ordering a technical specification for the development of a website from us AVADA MEDIA

When drawing up a technical assignment for the site, we strive to combine all the wishes of the client with the most advanced technologies and solutions.

What tools do we use for this?

First of all, we make prototypes of the future site in the Moqups service. This tool is used in their development – Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Amazon, Sony, Oracle, etc.

This tool makes it possible to visually demonstrate to the customer the future interface of the product. Prototyping helps to avoid many misunderstandings in the development process of the front and backend, as well as provide the customer with a visualized future product. We are rolling out a full-fledged version of the future interface, by which you can evaluate the convenience and design of the site, take into account the client’s comments. The rendered pages, sections and categories of the future site are prototyped with maximum detail. This approach to creating technical specifications was appreciated by dozens of our clients and noted it as the most effective and convenient for them.

After working out the interface, we move on to describing the interactive functionality. First, a checklist of all functions is made, summarized in a table, after that we record a video explanation with a detailed analysis of the work of the future resource. It will be understandable to the customer, and at the same time any developer will receive detailed information for their tasks.

We have vast experience in designing large online stores, marketplaces and information portals with millions of audiences. Therefore, we carefully work out a marketing strategy and take this into account in the preparation of the technical assignment for the site. Our marketing department will analyze the target audience, USP, benefits and give recommendations on the technical specification.

SEO-optimizers will collect the semantic core, make competent clustering of queries, develop a strategy for future promotion, if necessary. And usability specialists will think over the options for solutions that will make the user’s stay as convenient as possible on your site.

And most importantly, we do not blindly do whatever the client wants. We carefully weigh the pros and cons, assess the risks, analyze the potential result and give our recommendations. We know what will benefit your business and what is best to avoid.

Thus, by contacting us with an order for the development of technical specifications, you will receive the most detailed and technically competent visualization of your future project. A whole team of highly qualified specialists will take part in the development of your technical assignment, in whose cases there are well-known projects and brands in the CIS zone and around the world. As a result, you will get a top-end product that works effectively for your audience.

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