Development of terms of reference


Development of terms of reference AVADA MEDIA

Properly drafted terms of reference will help to relieve the customer and the contractor from unnecessary problems and determine exactly what and how should be done in the project. The clearer and more coherent the requirements for the final product are, the better the process participants understand what it should be like at the final stage.

When drafting the terms of reference, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the subject of the project;
  • product type (application, website, service, chatbot, CRM or ERP system, etc.);
  • goal and task of the project;
  • the target audience;
  • requirements for design and colors;
  • the need to adjust the terms of reference as you work on the project.

AVADA MEDIA offers services for the development of technical specifications for any software: CRM and ERP systems, PWA and SPA applications, mobile applications and games, online stores, corporate sites, chat bots, etc.

Features of terms of reference development for CRM and ERP systems


Features of terms of reference development for CRM and ERP systems AVADA MEDIA

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system that helps to structure customer relationships, automate the work of departments, simplify workflow and assess employee productivity.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is production management software that controls procurement, supports supply chains, reporting, manufacturing, human resources, financial transactions, and more.

Drafting of terms of reference for CRM or ERP systems takes place in several stages. We take into account and work out in the terms of reference all business processes that the client would like to automate.

TOR for CRM may include the following items:

  • Customer bases. Products, services, and users
  • Tools for integration with telephony, e-mail, website (product synchronization), delivery services, payment systems, SMS service.
  • Setting up document templates.
  • Reporting and analytics.
  • Working out the logic of business processes.
  • Integration with 1C (if necessary), etc.

TOR for ERP may include the following items:

  • A set of functional modules: finance and settlements, the movement of inventories, accounting, etc.
  • The core of the program.
  • Database
  • Reporting and analytics
  • etc.

The system is multifunctional, so any changes in one of the modules may lead to the need of changes in the other.

Development of terms of reference

Development of terms of reference for mobile, PWA, and SPA applications


Development of terms of reference for mobile, PWA, and SPA applications AVADA MEDIA

In addition to mobile applications, which are well known to most users, our company is engaged in the development of terms of reference for the development of PWA and SPA applications.

PWA (Progressive Web Application) is a hybrid of a website and a mobile application. This technology allows you to increase the website loading speed on mobile gadgets, install it on a device in one click (without app stores, for example, Google Play), make the resource available offline (using the cache), etc.

SPA (Single Page Application) is a single-page web application that constantly interacts with the user.

SPA dynamically rewrites a single page rather than loading new pages from the server.

The terms of reference for applications describes specifically  everything that the client would like to receive from the future product: from button design to functionality.

First of all, a mockup (mockup) is created, after which work begins on the MVP (minimum viable product) to receive feedback from the customer and users. This step allows you to create a complete software product without unnecessary costs and risk.

Development of terms of reference

Creation of tterms of reference for mobile games


Creation of tterms of reference for mobile games AVADA MEDIA

The AVADA MEDIA team develops mobile games that are monetized and become promising business projects. For the successful implementation of the idea, we carefully plan each stage and develop a technical assignment.

Regardless of the operating system (Android and iOS), there are three semantic parts of any technical specification for mobile games:

  • introductory: general provisions, objectives, and goals of the project;
  • main part: contains technical and functional requirements, use cases, gameplay, descriptions of screens, design, all kinds of integrations with services, monetization model, etc.;
  • the final part: determines the order of control and acceptance of work.

Drawing up terms of reference for the development of sites and online stores


Drawing up terms of reference for the development of sites and online stores AVADA MEDIA

Due to a detailed and clear technical assignment, the client receives exactly the result he wanted at the output – an online store, a corporate website, a business card website or a landing page that fully meet his expectations and needs of the target audience.

There are several general criteria that are used in the drafting of terms of reference for sites:

  • goals and objectives that the web resource will perform;
  • the target audience;
  • technologies and libraries;
  • resource interface elements;
  • prototype and design;
  • structure and logic of internal transitions;
  • roles and scenarios for working with the site for each of them;
  • database architecture (if necessary).

An example of a technical assignment for the development of a large website or online store will include some of additional points:

  • autogeneration rules title, description, h1;
  • URL generation rules;
  • generating a sitemap (sitemap.xml);
  • microdata markup.

Delivery and payment systems are specified without fail, in particular, if an API for calculating the cost of delivery will be integrated into the site structure.

If the client has wishes regarding the platform, development, or a specific content management system, they are also included in the project terms of reference.

Development of terms of reference

Development of terms of refernce for chatbots


Development of terms of refernce for chatbots AVADA MEDIA

Chatbots are programs that allow you to automate communication with users using text or audio messages. They are widely used in instant messengers and mobile applications. With the help of machine learning, the program independently chooses the optimal communication model and establishes communication.

When developing a chatbot, we include the following requirements in the TOR:

  • purpose and functionality;
  • a set of modules;
  • subsystem requirements;
  • requirements for the modes of operation of the system;
  • integration with services.

The chatbot is used in various areas of business: from customer support and FAQs to the automation of internal enterprise processes.

  • set of modules;
  • requirements for subsystems;
  • requirements for the operating modes of the system;
  • integration with services.

The chatbot has found application in various business areas: from customer support and FAQs to automating the internal processes of an enterprise.

Development of terms of reference

Benefits of developing term of reference in AVADA MEDIA


Benefits of developing term of reference in AVADA MEDIA AVADA MEDIA

You can order a terms of reference for the development of any software product from AVADA MEDIA, which will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of creating a new project.

Beforehand, we discuss in detail all the requirements with the client to minimize risks and disputable situations, discuss his wishes, goals, and objectives of the project. The manager asks additional questions, clarifies details, and records all important information regarding the future product.

Experts analyze the potential result, make recommendations, select technical means and ways to implement the customer’s idea.

In the future, the project manager coordinates each item with the client and constantly communicates with him in order to make changes to the terms of reference as needed.

Specialists analyze the potential result, make recommendations, choose technical means and ways to implement the customer’s idea.

In the future, the project manager coordinates each item with the client and constantly communicates with him in order to make changes to the terms of reference as necessary.

Terms of reference development


Terms of reference development AVADA-MEDIA

  • First, we are preparing a prototype of a product in the Moqups service, which is actively used by such large and famous companies as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Amazon Sony. Prototyping helps to avoid serious misunderstandings, visualize the project in the process of frontend and backend development, and also to demonstrate the future mechanics to the customer. The client can get acquainted with the full version of the interface, evaluate the future design and usability of the product and, if necessary, make comments.
  • In the next stage, we move on to describing the interactive functionality. For this, a complete checklist of functions is drawn up and transferred to the pivot table.
  • After preparing the checklist, we record a video explanation of the terms of reference and describe in detail the principles of the product. The video has two functions: it acts as a presentation for the client, quickly and clearly conveys information about the technical specification, and gives the developer an idea of ​​the tasks assigned to him.
  • When drawing up terms of reference, our specialists carefully work out the strategy and take into account the key features of the product. We are not limited to the technical characteristics of the project, so we consult with the marketing department for its further promotion. Marketers analyze the niche, target audience, competitors, and market. Then they offer recommendations and highlight the benefits for inclusion in the USP.

When drawing up terms of reference, the AVADA MEDIA team always takes into account that each project has its own specifics, which largely depend on the goals and scale. For example, for complex systems, we design databases using Swagger.

An experienced team, which has previously developed and implemented many successful solutions and projects that have shown excellent results in the CIS and other countries’ markets is engaged in drafting terms of reference.

Ultimately, you will receive a detailed, clear, and technically competent visualization of the future project, in the development of which highly qualified specialists will take part. We have vast experience in designing large business systems, online stores, marketplaces, and information portals with millions of audiences.

If you have any questions, our managers will promptly answer them and prepare an individual commercial offer for you.

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The user, filling out an application on the website https://avada-media.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail: info@avada-media.com.ua

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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