The terms UX and UI design are usually used in programming. We will try to explain what it means  and how one abbreviation differs from another. UX (User Experience) design is an entire concept, which includes visual design, information architecture, usability, and the principles of human-computer interaction. UX design’s the main goal is to improve the degree of user satisfaction and increase his loyalty by maximally simplifying the process of interaction with the software product.

We have implemented many cases using a user-oriented approach, both in the field of mobile applications and interface design.

In other words, a good UX design is when the user wants to return to your product again and again. The best-case scenario is when he uses it himself, advises others and rates high. In fact, the same definition applies to ordinary products, not just software. Or here’s another definition: it’s a process in which you can determine what kind of experience a person gets when using your product (and work on making this experience positive).

UI (User Interface) design is the process of visualizing a prototype developed based on past user experience and in-depth study of your target audience. That is, this is how the product will look and how it can be used.

UX / UI design




Although UX and UI design are easy to confuse, and they are usually mentioned together, there is a difference between them. The first is more likely to relate to the user’s experience and is aimed at ensuring that this experience is positive – so that the client satisfies his needs. The second relates more to the appearance of the product. Very often they are referred to as UX / UI design, existing in inextricable symbiosis.

AVADA MEDIA is implementing such an approach. We offer the creation of clickable prototypes for websites and mobile applications using graphical development platforms Axure, Marvel, and Figma. The UX / UI design of administrative panels and CRM systems is created using the Admin LTE kit and Deviac, which allow us to implement the gold standard of usability.

UX / UI design

What is more important in programming - UI or UX design


What is more important in programming - UI or UX design UX/UI

In general, the concept of UX design is broader, since it covers all the possible nuances of user interaction. It’s also his route in the IT product – the shorter the route to the right place, the better. This includes the sequence of actions, general impressions of the resource or program, and the thoughts and feelings caused by the product.

Of course, in order to get such powerful feedback, UX design involves multiple prototype testing and powerful post-marketing feedback.

The latter is a collection of feedback and impressions of real users in all convenient ways.

UI design is narrower and includes exclusively work on the graphic component:

  • illustrations and animation;
  • infographics
  • sliders
  • buttons
  • menu;
  • fonts
  • color palette.

Of course, testing is also necessary here, during which the designer receives valuable information – is the text easy to read, is it easy to use forms, does the font and color scheme hurt the eyes.

UX / UI design

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