
Software solutions for transport and logistics

Software for logistics and transport

Logistics and transport

Software for logistics and transport Logistics and transport

The development of the retail market has led to a significant increase in freight traffic. According to Statista, by 2024 the global cargo transportation market will grow to 92.1 billion tons, which is almost twice as much as in 2015. This growth has created a need for more productive software solutions for supply chain digitization.

Today there are three main requirements for the transportation of goods – security, speed and traceability. Through automation, the trucking industry is able to manage the fleet more efficiently, inform customers instantly and make important decisions on the road.

Types of Logistics Automation Software

Software types

Types of Logistics Automation Software Software types

Depending on the line of business and business model, companies may have different needs from a technological point of view.

CRM systems for logistics business


CRM systems for logistics business CRM

In the transport business, CRM allows you to control the delivery of goods at all stages of the supply chain and automatically assign tasks to responsible employees. Such systems contain all the necessary tools in one interface, and can also be integrated with other programs that the company already uses in its work.

The main tasks that CRM performs in logistics:

  • systematization of work with clients;
  • optimization and planning of operations;
  • secure storage and quick access to customer data;
  • conducting marketing analytics;
  • increasing the speed of response to a client request;
  • automation of routine tasks;
  • effective planning of the company’s development strategy based on real analytical data.

When developing our own CRM system for a business, we take into account all the specifics of its work, due to which the effectiveness of the software solution increases significantly compared to universal standard products.

Software solutions for transport and logistics

Control systems for grain and container terminals

Terminal automation

Control systems for grain and container terminals Terminal automation

Intelligent systems for managing grain and container terminals are designed to protect the company from various errors in the process of receiving, shipping and transporting grain crops. At the same time, they help to reduce production losses and increase the efficiency of employees.

The main tasks that such systems perform:

  • selection of the optimal transport route for the transportation of goods;
  • monitoring the work of employees;
  • remote control of the transshipment complex;
  • monitoring the technical condition of the fleet and automatically sending notifications about the need for maintenance.
  • qualitative and quantitative accounting of products.
Software solutions for transport and logistics

Warehouse logistics software

Warehouse automation

Warehouse logistics software Warehouse automation

Warehouse logistics software is used to record, manage and distribute inventory. It helps to organize an efficient process of cargo delivery to the end user and, often, closely interacts with the company’s transport logistics services.

The main tasks that warehouse logistics software can perform:

  • effective warehouse management;
  • unitization of cargoes to optimize financial costs;
  • accounting for the receipt and dispatch of goods;
  • optimization of distribution logistics;
  • assortment adjustment based on customer demand;
  • accounting for work related to the additional processing of goods in warehouses – packaging, packing, etc.

Software for sea and container transportation

The container transporting

Software for sea and container transportation The container transporting

The software for sea container transportation helps to optimize the document flow, taking into account the customs legislation of different countries, and also automates the calculation of the cost of transportation and interaction with customers. This gives businesses the opportunity to reduce the operational burden on employees and focus on their development.

Some important functions that such software can perform are:

  • quick creation of an order for transportation and reservation of a place in a container;
  • automatic invoicing to customers;
  • seamless transmission of customs declarations;
  • tracking the location of goods;
  • documentation control;
  • planning the placement of containers and individual cargo.

In the container shipping industry, large companies often prefer decentralized solutions. Blockchain technology increases the transparency and security of the project, as well as reduces the costs associated with the legal support of transactions through the use of smart contracts.

Apps for drivers

Vehicle maintenance

Apps for drivers Vehicle maintenance

Often, such software is installed on a smartphone and provides the driver with all the useful information regarding route optimization, documentation and vehicle maintenance. For example, an application might include the following features:

  • storage of digital versions of documents: driver’s license, insurance policy and vehicle registration certificate;
  • fuel consumption control;
  • search for the nearest gas stations with current fuel prices;
  • GPS tracking and route building;
  • troubleshooting in cars;
  • prompt payment of fines.

Company logistics

Apps for logistics

Company logistics Apps for logistics

Such systems are designed to optimize the company’s logistics. They store information about the fleet and drivers, cargo, customers and scheduled transportation, and perform a number of important functions:

  • building and editing driver routes;
  • delivery planning by geographic areas and time windows;
  • real-time traffic monitoring;
  • quick search for information about drivers, couriers and cargo;
  • maintenance of the client base;
  • maintaining the workflow related to the transportation of goods: waybills, invoices, acts, etc.;
  • convenient processing of returns of goods;
  • cash desk processing of the courier.

The use of specialized applications makes the company’s logistics as convenient and transparent as possible, and also improves the quality of customer service, since goods will always be delivered on time thanks to quality planning.

Software solutions for transport and logistics

Transport access control and management system

ACS systems

Transport access control and management system ACS systems

Access control and management systems, or ACS for short, are designed to restrict vehicle access to enterprise facilities. They automatically recognize a person or machine that intends to enter the protected area and independently decide on access authorization, based on the programmed data.

Such systems can be used to ensure the security of facilities, control the working hours of employees, maintain a database of personnel and company visitors, as well as for many other purposes.

Automated weight and dimension control systems

Weight and dimension control

Automated weight and dimension control systems Weight and dimension control

Such systems are installed across the roadway and automatically record the weight of cars passing through them, and are also able to determine the load on each individual axle. This is necessary in order to prevent excessive load on the coating.

ASVK are able to automatically read the necessary data about cars from hardware devices – scales, video cameras and other things, analyze them and make a decision regarding the authorization of the passage of the vehicle.

Automation of commercial roads and crossings

Transport Migration Control

Automation of commercial roads and crossings Transport Migration Control

Commercial road software enables companies to fully automate the process of paying and passing vehicles, as well as keep accurate statistics to analyze business efficiency.

Such systems can also be equipped with weight and size control, which will allow you to calculate the amount of payment depending on the load that the car puts on the road surface.

Software solutions for transport and logistics

(Ua) Автоматизація паркувальних комплексів

(Ua) Управління паркінгом

(Ua) Автоматизація паркувальних комплексів (Ua) Управління паркінгом

(Ua) Системи автоматичної тарифікації в паркувальних комплексах виконують відразу кілька функцій:

  • облік часу перебування транспортного засобу на стоянці, з урахуванням тайм-аутів, коли
  • автомобіль тимчасово залишає комплекс;
  • прийом онлайн-оплати;
  • maintaining accurate statistics;
  • reduction of personnel costs;
  • improving the convenience and competitiveness of parking.

Taxi Software Packages

Taxi apps

Taxi Software Packages Taxi apps

Complexes for dispatch services of taxis and taxi companies are used to automate routine tasks in this area and increase the speed of order processing. They may include many interconnected modules and systems that are developed in accordance with the internal business processes of each individual company, for example:

  • CRM systems for business owners
  • personal accounts for operators;
  • mobile apps for drivers designed to receive an order, fix the duration of the trip using GPS and calculate the cost of the trip;

Also, AVADA MEDIA specialists can develop systems for car rental. They include a separate user application for customers and a built-in GPS tracker with embedded development – programming the software of the car itself.

Thus, the company at any time can track the location of the vehicle, wherever it is.

What technologies do we use


What technologies do we use Technology

To develop projects, AVADA MEDIA specialists use a modern technological stack that allows you to create reliable and secure software. The choice of a specific technology often depends on the features of the product and the platform on which it will work:

  • Mobile apps. They are created on the Flutter cross-platform framework, but native technologies can also be used: Swift for IOS and Java/Kotlin for Android.
  • Web applications. The frontend of such projects can be implemented both in HTML/CSS/JavaScript and reactive technologies – Vue.js or React.js, while the backend is developed in PHP, Python and their frameworks (Yii, Laravel, Django, Flask) or Java, Node.js

Development of software in AVADA MEDIA


Development of software in AVADA MEDIA Software

Before starting software development, AVADA MEDIA specialists conduct a thorough analysis of the business and its current IT infrastructure, develop an interface prototype and detailed terms of reference to achieve a high level of economic efficiency.

When implementing each project, we use already formed teams of developers with experience in working together, which allows us to guarantee consistently high quality and speed of development.

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We create space projects

Fresh works

The best confirmation of our qualifications and professionalism are the stories of the success of our clients and the differences in their business before and after working with us.

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Successful projects are created only by the team

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Successful projects
are created only by the team Our team

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Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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