LMS, or learning management system, is a web application that allows you to administer a training course of any direction in the process of distance learning.

Such systems have become very widespread recently because of the pandemic and the transition of many educational institutions to a remote or partially remote activity format. There are reasonable assumptions that remote education will be widely used in the future.

The presence of a convenient learning management system allows you to solve some tasks that previously required an abundance of disparate tools, including paper records. First of all, LMS allows you to streamline the learning process. The teacher within the system can:

  • assign tasks;
  • provide links to courses and selected training materials;
  • control the time spent on studying and performing tasks and tests;
  • evaluate the results achieved;
  • reduce the time for delivering information.

Such systems are successfully used in corporate training because they allow you to convey to a new employee all the standards and the entire range of professional knowledge in an extremely short time and convenient format. Of course, LMS will be indispensable for remote training of personnel in network companies, for representatives and agents, freelancers, etc.

Opportunities of modern LMS


Opportunities of modern LMS AVADA-MEDIA

AVADA MEDIA develops ready-made LMS for any purpose and task, according to the client’s terms of reference. We implement almost all the possibilities of modern learning management systems. For example, the function of the test and survey designer is very popular, which allows you to:


  • ask multiple choice questions;
  • create several test variants with the same set of questions in a different order;
  • make answers private or open, with an input form;
  • set transit time;
  • enable and disable hints and explanations;
  • display and send responses to mail at the end of the test;
  • shuffle the options in any order.

The processing of the results of such tests is carried out automatically, which frees up valuable teacher time. LMS also allows you to create individual tests and set a grade scale for individual students or employees.


The education management system allows you to “pack” any educational program in a convenient format, creating courses, divided into separate parts with any dimension and content. Text, graphic and video materials, audio recordings, and any links can be added to the course in an easy-to-read form. LMS also allows the gamification of the learning process.


Marketing and analytics play a big role for commercial courses. Therefore, LMS can provide a single storefront function for selling courses on the principle of an online store and detailed analytics on customer acquisition, sales, and traffic sources. In addition, the system can provide the ability to generate promotional codes and discount coupons, individual offers, and promotions.




When developing, it is easy to implement the ability to integrate LMS with a variety of services. For example, a service for organizing webinars allows you to set up system integration with Zoom and other popular online conferencing tools. Integration with e-mail services and instant messengers is also configurable, telephone support can be connected. At the request of the user, integration with other third-party plugins and modules is configured.


The system is easily scalable: you can create full-fledged courses both for individual training, adjusting for each specific student, and for the needs of large audiences. The creation of courses takes very little time and effort thanks to the simple and intuitive admin interface and help system.

For teachers and administrators, it is also possible to receive any information in a convenient form in real time. This allows you to track the progress of each student for each specific course, quickly find gaps in knowledge and concentrate efforts on them, forming individual tasks and tests.


The user’s personal account is focused on the course listener. He will be able to view statistics on courses and tests passed, track progress, receive and use individual discount offers in it. If we are talking about LMS for corporate training, an employee can always have access to the company’s knowledge base with a convenient sectoring.

How is LMS developed


How is LMS developed AVADA-MEDIA

First of all, we create the architecture of the future system based on the terms of reference. The architecture lists the components of the system and their interrelationships: test constructor, course constructor, reporting system, analytics, personal account, etc. The next stage is to prepare a model of file structures for the developed architecture.

Then we think over a convenient interface and adequately reflect the architecture. We design user behavior models, that is, we set roles.

The main ones are students, teachers, administrators. If necessary, you can provide for others or rank the main ones, for example, giving teachers different levels of rights. Further, the main functionality of the system is created, which is subsequently tested and supplemented until the release version of the system is ready. If required, we also create a mobile application for iOS or Android with access to the main functions of the LMS.

The development of a learning management system is carried out by AVADA MEDIA on the basis of an agreement that includes all the important conditions: cost, terms, and system functionality.


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The user, filling out an application on the website https://avada-media.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail: info@avada-media.com.ua

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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