




2D character design is part of the global animation, commercial and video game development industry. Each character is a separate person, with its own story, character and purpose. At a certain moment, he appears in front of the user to play his unique role, so the success of the future project largely depends on how deeply every detail of the hero is worked out: appearance, emotions, gestures, postures, clothes and other elements.

Using special artistic techniques such as sketching, texturing, lighting and detailing, the 2D artist gives each character the desired set of qualities and gives him individuality. This is important because the consumer can only be interested in special and well thought out characters.

2D Character Design

Stages of 2D character development


Stages of 2D character development Development

Creating a 2D character is a sequential process that can be roughly divided into four stages:

  • Research and analysis. The designer analyzes the market and side projects to form a general understanding of textures, anatomy and other details that will help you differentiate yourself from competitors and create a unique personality for the future character.
  • Painting. The designer visualizes the overall concept of the character. At this stage, not only clean and understandable features appear, but also small details that in the future will emphasize the character of the character.
  • Creating a color composition. Colors reflect the personality of the character as natively as possible.

For example, black, purple and brown are used to represent negative personalities and antagonists. Light colors such as pink, white and blue, on the contrary, emphasize lightness and good intentions. That is, based on clear rules of perception, the artist selects the most appropriate image for a particular character.

  • Rendering. This is the final stage in which the character is finally rendered using the software. After that, it will be completely ready for use in the project.

At every stage, AVADA-MEDIA specialists coordinate the appearance and character of the character with you so that the final version fully meets your expectations.

2D Character Design

Types of 2D Character Design


Types of 2D Character Design AVADA-MEDIA

We create 2D characters using a modern technology stack and bring to life creative solutions based on customer needs. AVADA-MEDIA designers can create:

  • 2D casual character design
    Casual graphics are simple and attractive. Most often it is used in games with uncomplicated but addicting gameplay. For example, in games “three in a row”, etc.
  • Character design for 2D movies and cartoons
    Cartoon characters can be used to create animated children’s cartoons or business-themed videos to simplify customer interactions.
  • Stylized design
    Let’s create a character image based on the given textures and design features, which will fully correspond to the format of your current project.
  • Realistic design
    Photorealistic characters require a special approach. All the details are important here – textures, clothes, facial expressions, postures, etc. Thanks to many years of experience and modern technologies, the designers of AVADA-MEDIA will be able to realize the most realistic characters.
2D Character Design

Why use 2D animation


Why use 2D animation Benefits

Despite advances in technology, 2D graphics continues to be in high demand and can be used to create stunning game worlds and capacious commercials. For example, 2D graphics have been used to develop high-profile projects such as Diablo, Limbo, and Rayman legends. 4 reasons to use 2D animation in your business:

  • Saving time.
    With the help of special systems, 2D characters can be quickly brought to life, which significantly speeds up the process of starting a project. In some cases, this can play a decisive role.
  • Development cost.
    The cost of creating a project directly depends on the time that the developers will devote to it. Accordingly, the cost of launching a 2D project will be significantly lower compared to a 3D one. Therefore, the creation of such an animation is often more appropriate.
  • Recognition and emotional connection with the audience.
    2D characters from commercials are easy to remember, increase brand awareness and evoke the desired response from the consumer. One of the striking examples is the cat, which has long become the symbol of Monobank.
  • Complicated in simple words.
    When a business offers a product that is difficult to describe, capacious 2D videos come to the rescue. They visually show the audience what exactly you are offering and why it is profitable.

According to Forbes, the use of video in advertising increases business income by 49%, which is quite natural, because a person perceives about 80% of information visually. Therefore, the investment in the creation of videos will be profitable and will quickly pay off.

Ordering a 2D character design in AVADA-MEDIA


Ordering a 2D character design in AVADA-MEDIA AVADA-MEDIA

AVADA MEDIA has a well-matched team of 2D designers who specialize in creating 2D characters for games, videos and other digital products.

We use modern technologies, due to which the speed of implementation and the quality of the product increase significantly. Create projects that will inspire and amaze your customers, and rely on AVADA MEDIA for technical implementation.

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