Development of websites and software solutions for real estate

Avada Media

Development of websites and software solutions for real estate Avada Media

Real estate companies need business software solutions. The level of complexity and effectiveness of these solutions may vary. It is necessary to distinguish between simple construction and real estate sites focused on the sale of objects and construction services from multifunctional software solutions that optimize business management.

Avada Media has vast experience in developing solutions of any complexity for builders, developers, realtors and real estate companies.

Development of sites and systems for construction companies and realtors

Business tasks that are successfully solved by developing your own website

Sale of construction services and real estate with Avada Media

Business tasks that are successfully solved by developing your own website Sale of construction services and real estate with Avada Media

You need to understand that the sale of real estate and construction services is an extremely important part of doing business, but it does not cover all its sides. Development of sites for the sale of real estate by the developer or real estate companies and construction services is necessary for:

  • attracting potential customers;
  • bringing to them information about the offered goods and services;
  • the client’s belief that he really needs these services and goods;
  • the client’s conviction that he needs to purchase from this company;
  • communication with the client.

Depending on the scale of your activity and the tasks that site development should solve, you can use different approaches to its creation. You can make a simple site with general information about the company and its contact information. This will ensure a presence on the Internet and the ability of the client to contact you. A similar approach can be used by large companies when a site is created to promote a specific object.

When it comes to promoting a company in the market, you should order a more serious site. With it, you can solve such problems:

  • to illuminate the whole range of construction services and real estate offered;
  • give advanced information about the company (in particular, inform about already implemented projects and their advantages);
  • offer convenient means of customer feedback;
  • ensure that your site is at the top of the list in search results.

The implementation of the last task of the list requires additional effort and expense. There are two ways to achieve this: by paying for website promotion up the list through advertising agencies or by building the site structure so that the search engines will find it themselves. To do this, you will have to expand the structure of the site and update the content on it.

Doing business is not limited to sales. When it comes to companies involved in construction, the volume of tasks to be solved multiplies. If your task is not only to establish sales, but also to optimize the business as a whole, it makes sense to order more voluminous software products.

Software solutions for conducting business related to the construction and sale of real estate

Development team Avada Media

Software solutions for conducting business related to the construction and sale of real estate Development team Avada Media

Avada Media is able to offer its customers much more than just website design and its promotion. Modern software solutions, depending on the tasks set, can perform functions that recently seemed fantastic.

The software, built on technologies of big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and fintek, is able to solve most business problems automatically (almost without human intervention). Based on the analysis of a huge amount of information, optimal solutions will be offered, and information is available around the clock and daily from anywhere in the world. Fintech technologies allow you to organize payments for your company and receive customer funds. At the same time, data confidentiality and the safety of your money will be guaranteed.

Avada Media offers real estate business software solutions of any complexity. Here is a list of what we have already developed for our customers:

  • Sites for the sale of residential complexes with an interactive module for choosing apartments and premises. Site filters allow you to select apartments by area, floor, cost and weight of other parameters important to the client.
  • Portals for real estate companies, where all the objects sold are combined. Their convenient interface allows you to select objects by city, district, street, floor, area, price and other important parameters.
  • Sites of real estate companies that combine a standard site, a customer-oriented marketing system (CRM) and a business management system. They help optimize all enterprise processes. Such software solutions even allow you to book, buy and sell real estate without personal contact with the client.
  • Sites optimizing the work of management companies. Each owner of the apartment has a personal online account with access to all necessary information and bills, which can be paid there.

The possibilities of modern software solutions for business are almost unlimited. Avada Media can take on any tasks that confront the client. We have ready-made solutions that can be relatively inexpensively adapted to a specific company. If necessary, you can order their development from scratch. Such decisions will cost more, but will fully correspond specifically to your tasks.

Development of sites and systems for construction companies and realtors

Benefits from the development and implementation of modern software

Business in the field of construction and real estate trading

Benefits from the development and implementation of modern software Business in the field of construction and real estate trading

If we talk about creating a site, it brings the following benefits:

  • Presentation of the company on the Internet. Now it is so necessary that real estate traders and builders who do not have a website quickly lose their advantages and lose to competitors.
  • Promotion of objects and services in the market. In order for you to buy, a potential customer must know what and under what conditions you are selling.
  • Reduce the cost of doing business. If the site is built competently, customers have almost no additional questions. Further, he only ponders and makes a purchase, sometimes directly on the site. When questions remain, the client contacts the company staff. If the need for such communication is great, then you have to hire a lot of staff, and this increases the cost of doing business.

A high-quality site can dramatically increase sales of real estate and construction services of your company, while reducing costs. In fact, modern developments in the field of translating business into digital make it possible to solve most of the tasks that companies face with maximum efficiency.

Development of sites and systems for construction companies and realtors

How much does it cost to develop a site and other solutions for builders and realtors?

Software Solutions from Avada Media

How much does it cost to develop a site and other solutions for builders and realtors? Software Solutions from Avada Media

The cost of developing sites and other software directly depends on the time required for its development. The more complex the site and software solutions, the more expensive they are.

To know the exact cost of the work, you need to draw up a detailed technical task. The process of compiling this TK also takes time and costs money. Therefore, they usually refuse this, and pay for the work hourly, at the rate of the developer.

Why are sites and software solutions for construction companies and real estate sales worth ordering from us?

Avada Media

Why are sites and software solutions for construction companies and real estate sales worth ordering from us? Avada Media

Avada Media has been successfully operating in the software development market for over 9 years. Our sites and software solutions for business are in considerable demand among customers from the USA, Australia, EU and CIS countries, Ukraine and Russia. Customers contact us again and recommend to colleagues.

Avada Media will develop a website for you of any complexity. If more complex software products based on big data technologies, artificial intelligence, and other latest scientific achievements are required, we are able to develop and implement them in a high-quality manner. Order a site or business solutions in Avada Media, and your tasks will be implemented efficiently.



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I accept User agreement and I give my consent to processing of my personal data
Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail:

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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