• Bots,

Speakhunt bot

Speakhunt bot


Speakhunt bot Telegram-Bot

  • Location:
    • Ukraine
  • Team:
    • 4 specialists
  • Solution:
    • Telegram-Bot
  • Sector:
    • Education
  • Technologies:
    • Django
    • Vuexy

@Speakhunt_bot is a Telegram bot that helps you learn foreign languages by talking to native speakers in phone call mode. In addition to communicating with speakers, it also provides online tests to test knowledge and a catalog of games that will allow you to have fun and spend your free time usefully.

Development stages

Speakhunt bot

Development stages Speakhunt bot

The essence of the project is simple – to help users communicate with native speakers of foreign languages. However, to implement it, we had to create something new – a telegram bot with the function of internal calls.

Technically, the project did not become a big challenge for our team, but it was not without difficulties. Thus, a preliminary study showed that one bot will not be enough to achieve the set goals, in addition to it, an administrator panel is required to manage paid subscriptions and content, as well as a landing page that will solve marketing problems.

  • Collection of information. The requirements of the client and his vision were studied, competitors were analyzed.
  • Technical documentation and prototype. In the first sprint, based on the information received from the customer and the analysis of products that are already on the market, we created a bot prototype, presented it to the client and selected the optimal technology stack.
  • Design development. To provide maximum convenience for users and administrators of the bot, we have developed an individual design of the bot and landing page.
  • Technical development. The work of the bot was built on Telegram Web Apps, the backend was developed on the Django framework, and the client side of the admin panel was developed on Vuexy components.
  • Testing. All functions of the bot have been thoroughly tested to eliminate the possible occurrence of errors during real use.


Bot features for users

The bot provides users with great opportunities, which expand even more in the case of a paid subscription. Main functions:

  • Communication with speakers: by phone, in the format of voice or text messages.
  • Premium account: After signing up for a paid subscription, users can add any number of speakers to “Favorites” and communicate with them for an unlimited time.
  • Account personalization: choose a language, add a photo and information about yourself.
  • Checking the level of knowledge using a test.
  • Search for a speaker in real time.
  • Adding speakers to Favorites.
  • Access to the catalog of games.

Admin panel features

The administration panel is used to manage the bot. With its help you can:

  • keep records of the user base and speakers;
  • control transactions – payment for subscriptions;
  • manage the catalog of games;
  • manage tests and track user results.

How was the development of the landing

The landing page development process was also carried out according to the SCRUM methodology, and consisted of the following stages:

  • Collection of information.
  • Development and approval of the prototype.
  • Creation of an individual design.
  • Frontend development.
  • Testing.

If we talk about the tasks of the landing page, then it performs an exclusively marketing function and presents the capabilities of the @Speakhunt_bot bot to potential users.

Speakhunt bot


Speakhunt bot

Result Speakhunt bot

At the beginning of the journey, the client had only an idea – to create a bot to communicate with native speakers of foreign languages. We studied his request, analyzed it and implemented the most effective solution not only from a technical, but also a marketing point of view.

Speakhunt bot

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I accept User agreement and I give my consent to processing of my personal data
Personal data processing agreement

The user, filling out an application on the website https://avada-media.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without and using automation tools.
2. Consent applies to the following information: name, phone, email.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data is given in order to provide the User with an answer to the application, further conclude and fulfill obligations under the contracts, provide customer support, inform about services that, in the opinion of the Operator, may be of interest to the User, conduct surveys and market research.

4. The User grants the Operator the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction, transfer to third parties, with the consent of the subject of personal data and compliance with measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access.

5. Personal data is processed by the Operator until all necessary procedures are completed. Also, processing can be stopped at the request of the User by e-mail: info@avada-media.com.ua

6. The User confirms that by giving Consent, he acts freely, by his will and in his interest.

7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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