A calculator on the company’s website allows you to quickly calculate payments for a car before visiting a car dealership or the cost of maintenance, while saving
time and money. Thanks to the flexible settings of the software module, the user can independently choose the best option and set certain characteristics using sliders and lists.

Calculators greatly simplify the process of interaction of potential customers with a company, and are also used as an internal tool for managers.

Development of calculators for the car

Features of the development of calculators for cars


Features of the development of calculators for cars AVADA-MEDIA

The process of creating an online calculator consists of several important steps:

1. Consideration and analysis of the client’s application. Experts group the data that should be used in calculating the cost of an object, taking into account all the variables.

2. Statement of TK and definition of the front of the upcoming work. Each team member is assigned specific tasks, formulas are selected that are used in calculations and ensure the correct operation of the calculator.

3. Prototyping and design of the project. Based on the prototype with the main elements, the design of the calculator is being worked out.

4. Complex testing, automation and integration of the module on the site.

The main role of a calculator on a web resource is to provide a potential client with accurate and reliable information on the calculation of services / goods of interest to him, without additional surveys and collection of information.

The standard calculator has a fairly simple structure, which includes:

  • drop-down list;
  • sliders;
  • switches and checkboxes;
  • service bundle fields or buttons;
  • currency rate (if necessary).
  • options for sending the result.

Depending on the purpose of the calculation module, the required fields may include: car brand, body, model, engine, transmission type, year of manufacture and other parameters.

Such a structure is not universal; it can be modified depending on the capabilities and needs of the customer. The number and name of fields, the principle of sorting and the sequence of data entry are influenced by the purpose of the calculator itself. For example, a module may contain additional sections on discounts or a set of bonuses that affect the final cost of an order.

Development of calculators for the car

Additional functions of the calculator on the site


Additional functions of the calculator on the site AVADA-MEDIA

In addition to the main task of calculating and forming the cost of a car, the calculator allows you to analyze user behavior on the site. The module saves information about the calculations made, which you can interpret and use when creating a profitable offer for the target audience.

In addition, the online calculator has other important advantages that you should pay attention to:

1. It is much easier for the user to independently choose the characteristics in the form of a calculator than to contact the manager. It does not require a lot of time and money.

2. The client or manager does not have to calculate the cost manually. Thanks to the built-in formulas, the online calculator will save time for employees and site users

3. Transparent pricing contributes to increasing customer confidence and the formation of a positive company image.

4. The calculator prepares users for collaboration and sweeps aside the cost issue. At the same time, it filters out inappropriate messages from users who are not satisfied with the price.

5. The calculation module increases the position of the web resource in the ranking. Search engines actively monitor behavioral factors, analyze how much time the user spends on the site and how many actions he takes. In addition to page clicks, interactions with buttons and sliders, which are included in the online calculator, are taken into account. The more time a potential client will devote to calculations, the better positions the web resource will take in the search results.

Development of calculators for the car

Advantages of developing calculators for cars at AVADA MEDIA


Advantages of developing calculators for cars at AVADA MEDIA AVADA-MEDIA

The AVADA MEDIA team is engaged in the professional development of calculation modules for companies operating in the automotive industry. For each project, we select an individual approach and a set of tools, taking into account the client’s requirements and business needs.

The design and integration process of the calculator takes place in several stages and has a number of advantages:

  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • high speed of obtaining the result;
  • transparent pricing system;
  • the ability to filter out non-target audience.

Our company develops full-featured software modules that contribute to the development of the client’s business, expand the client base and increase the conversion of the site.

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The user, filling out an application on the website https://avada-media.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agrees to the terms of this Consent for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the collection of personal data”. Acceptance of the offer of the Consent is the sending of an application from the Site or an order from the Operator by telephone of the Site.

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7. This Consent is valid indefinitely until the termination of the processing of personal data for the reasons specified in clause 5 of this document.

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