2D configurator

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

Development of a 2D configurator

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office Development of a 2D configurator

Selling doors for a home or office is a complex business, because it is quite difficult for a client to explain exactly how his product will look after installation. As a result, misunderstandings may arise between the seller and the buyer, which results in negative reviews and even loss of reputation.

The solution to this problem is 2D configurators.

They make it possible to personalize the product in a convenient web interface, and instantly visualize the changes made. As a result, the buyer immediately sees exactly how his door will look after installation.

In this article, we propose to talk about exactly how 2D configurators work, what technologies are used to develop them, and how the production process is built.

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

What is a 2D configurator?


What is a 2D configurator? Meaning

A 2D configurator can be compared to an online constructor. It contains ready-made modifications – color, size, material, design style, number of glasses and other important parameters, from which the user can independently “assemble” the door in accordance with his personal preferences. At the same time, changes are instantly displayed on a two-dimensional model of the door, and the cost of the product is automatically recalculated depending on the selected components.

As a result, the client receives his “ideal door”, sees its estimated cost and can immediately proceed to placing an order. In practice, 2D configurators provide businesses with a number of important advantages:

  • Increasing sales. The client himself sets up the product and chooses its modifications. Therefore, there is a higher probability that he will be satisfied with the result and make a purchase.
  • Reduced production costs. At the output, the configurator provides the company with accurate measurements, which greatly simplifies production and optimizes material consumption.
  • Ease of use. The configurator does not have complex functionality. Everything is simple and intuitive, so almost all customers can use it, regardless of their technical skills.
  • The possibility of expanding the range. On the company side, the configurator can be easily changed: add new products to it, expand the list of available modifications, change the cost of each component, and so on. Thus, it will always contain up-to-date data and will be able to grow in parallel with the business.
  • Ease of integration. The 2D configurator can be placed on the company’s website, added to an online store or CRM system. In addition, it can work as a completely standalone web application.

What parameters should be added to the 2D door configurator

What parameters should be added to the 2D door configurator

The 2D configurator can contain a large number of customizable features. Consider the main parameters that should be added to it:

Construction type

  • national team
  • paneled
  • frame-panel

Opening: hinged doors, sliding doors.

Finishing material

  • PVC
  • eco-veneer
  • enamel
  • finish film
  • veneered
  • laminated
Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

What technologies are used to create 2D configurators


What technologies are used to create 2D configurators Technologies

The configurator works on the client side, so if you plan to integrate it into your website or CRM system, then developing the frontend part will be enough. For this, static HTML / CSS / JavaScript technologies or reactive frameworks Vue.js, React.js can be used.

If the 2D configurator will work as an independent web application, you will also have to develop its server part. The backend can be written in Python, Java, PHP or using Django/Flask/Yii2/Laravel frameworks.

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

Stages of creating 2D configurator

Stages of creating 2D configurator

The development of 2D configurators is carried out according to the iterative Scrum methodology and consists of several stages. We propose to consider them in more detail.

Stage 1. Gathering information

The first step is always to discuss the project and study the client’s requirements. Developers need to understand exactly what tasks the configurator should perform, what custom options should be added to it, whether models and textures are available, or whether they will need to be created separately.

Stage 2. Design

At this stage, a prototype of the configurator is created, which includes a description of the functionality, different options for GUI concepts, and interface warframes. In addition, developers create technical documentation for the project and record demo videos for the client, which already at this step help him understand how the finished product will work and look like.

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

Stage 3. Design development

The next step is to develop the user interface of the configurator. It includes:

  • Creation of mockups based on a previously approved concept.
  • Drawing 2D product models.
  • Creation of textures.

In fact, at this stage, all the graphical components that users will interact with are created.

Stage 4. Technical development

When design mockups, models and textures are ready, frontend developers join the project and create the client side of the 2D configurator. Their tasks include layout, development of animations, event handlers and other components that will make working with the product as comfortable as possible.

After that, backend developers create functionality, API and connect the frontend with the server.

Development of a 2D door configurator for home or office

Stage 5. Testing

Before being released to release, the project is thoroughly tested by QA engineers. This allows you to eliminate all possible bugs in a timely manner – even before real users start using the 2D configurator.

Stage 6. Support and development

When the configurator is released, the last task remains – to ensure its qualified technical support and development. So it will always remain in demand in the market and will be able to fully satisfy the needs of users.

Development of 2D configurators in AVADA MEDIA

Development of 2D configurators in AVADA MEDIA

Using the 2D Door Configurator will help your company significantly improve the quality of product presentation and increase customer satisfaction.

Ultimately, this will naturally lead to increased sales and a positive impact on the profitability of the entire business.

With all the advantages of the configurator, it should be noted that it is extremely sensitive to details. Therefore, the quality of technical execution plays a very important role here. To implement such projects, AVADA MEDIA has already formed teams of experienced developers. They will help you design and implement a reliable product, as well as provide qualified technical support.

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