3D Jewelry Configurator


3D Jewelry Configurator AVADA-MEDIA

Jewelry making is a unique area of ​​design with its own characteristics and techniques. And its main feature is in the smallest details, which give the jewelry individuality, style, character. It is simply impossible to consider everything in the smallest detail in photographs or static three-dimensional models, and even more so to try on the product for yourself and see the play of light in different lighting options. The best option is a live fitting, but this is not always possible, and many simply do not like to visit jewelry stores in person. In addition, on the spot, the buyer sees only what is already in the assortment of the jewelry salon. He will not be able to create a piece of jewelry with his own design or modify an existing one according to his wishes.

The best option for:

  • get a realistic impression of a piece of jewelry;
  • consider it from all sides and immediately ask a question or place an order;
  • and even create your own unique piece of jewelry by sending a model for production with one click;
    Is a 3D jewelry configurator.

By placing such a configurator on the website of your jewelry salon or atelier, you can give potential buyers a design tool that will interest them and significantly increase the likelihood that the order will be placed with you.

3D Jewelry Configurator provides your potential clients with a fun design tool that allows you to create 3D models of jewelry with unique exclusive designs and send them to your craftsmen or managers immediately. The 3D Jewelry Configurator can be launched with one click in any browser as it is a web application. The configurator interface is simple and intuitive, all controls are signed. At the service of your potential customers – ready-made models and elements that can be added to jewelry. The visualization allows you to view each model by rotating it 360 °. All textures of materials – precious metals and stones – are completely realistic.

The method of creating a 3D jewelry configurator is based on modern technologies of three-dimensional web modeling, primarily WebGL. Thanks to this, the configurator works very quickly and practically does not freeze even with a weak Internet connection and can be launched on a variety of devices, including mobile ones. The user’s browser does not process heavy video files, but scripts that are transmitted in text form.

Examples of using the 3D Jewelry Configurator


Examples of using the 3D Jewelry Configurator AVADA-MEDIA

The simplest use case is to add standard models of wedding rings (flat and convex) and textures for them to the configurator. All newlyweds want their wedding to be unique – just like the jewelry. Allowing them to design their own rings from the proposed options would be a great solution that will increase interest in your products. You can order the creation of three-dimensional ornaments and inserts for wedding rings from our designers according to sketches or provide your own models.

Another way to use the Jewelry Configurator is to design an exclusive necklace. Here your customers can give free rein to their imagination and add to the necklace those elements that they deem necessary – from those pre-loaded into the catalog. At the same time, the visualization will be so detailed and reliable that the user will be able to see how the decoration will shine in various lighting options and consider it from all sides as a finished product.

Benefits of using the 3D Jewelry Configurator


Benefits of using the 3D Jewelry Configurator AVADA-MEDIA

First of all, this is a real growth in sales. Market research shows that over 60% of people would consider the ability to visualize a product before purchasing it as an additional important decision-making factor. This is especially true of jewelry, the main function of which is precisely to be beautiful and admirable.

Also, the configurator allows you to increase your brand awareness by sharing the created design on social networks. A jewelry store with a configurator on its website is more likely to recommend it to friends and acquaintances.

If you offer to view all products in the catalog through the configurator, with its help you reduce the percentage of returns. After all, the client will be able to examine the jewelry from all sides and clearly determine whether he likes it or not.

Configurator creation technologies


Configurator creation technologies AVADA-MEDIA

The creation of configurators, ie tools for playing 3D graphics directly in the browser, has become possible thanks to WebGL technology. We create or modify 3D models using the 3DS Max and Blender4Web tools, which also allow you to create textures and lighting to give a natural look to gold, silver, platinum, as well as diamonds and other precious stones. Finished models need to be programmed in the form of scripts for the possibility of their reproduction in the browser.

To do this, we use the JavaScript language and libraries of this language, designed to work with three-dimensional graphics: Three.js and Babylon.js. Developers program all possible uses of the tool so that the web application responds adequately to all user actions. Then we carefully test the finished product – and it can be posted on your site. If you need a reliable and powerful tool for sales and customer acquisition, we will develop it for you. The 3D jewelry configurator is a great way to attract attention for all jewelry stores, manufacturers and craftsmen.

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