Development of technical specifications for design


Development of technical specifications for design AVADA MEDIA

One of the key stages of any Internet project is drawing up a technical task for a designer. Design is one of the most important elements and stages in the development of an IT product, because it is from it that contact with the user begins, the first impression of the project is formed. The technical assignment will make it possible to implement the plans of the customer of the project, using all the modern developments in interface designs.

Why do you need a technical specification for a designer


Why do you need a technical specification for a designer AVADA-MEDIA

We receive inquiries from clients who are at different stages of planning their project. Someone already knows what his future project should look like, the colors are determined, the references are chosen, and so on. And some have not even planned the overall corporate style of the project yet.

We take these options into account and successfully work with both the first and second types of customers. We understand how the right design increases conversion, affects marketing, visitor loyalty – and, as a result, increases business efficiency. And what is most revealing – even for clients who have planned out the design of their future project – we can recommend optimization options.

Development of technical specifications for design

Elaboration of technical specifications for design


Elaboration of technical specifications for design AVADA MEDIA

Why is it important to work out in detail the technical task for the design:

  • A lot of marketing research has proven that the appearance of an IT product strongly influences the user’s perception and further behavior.
  • The correct choice of the color palette of the web resource increases the time spent on it by the user.
  • Design mistakes and miscalculations can affect conversions. In other words, incorrect design (overly aggressive, harsh, incomprehensible) – can force a person to leave the site, or not take the target action.
  • Design details that the customer may not pay attention to, but which ultimately affect usability (drawing buttons, overly small or oversized interface elements, the location of menu items or categories).

The most common mistakes when planning a project’s design are the lack of a well-thought-out general style that reflects the essence and goals of the project, the wrong choice of the corporate color palette and web fonts. If we take more specifically web projects – this may be a desire to use overly saturated colors, atypical fonts, outdated approaches to design, and the like.

Development of technical specifications for design

How the terms of reference for the designer is drawn up


How the terms of reference for the designer is drawn up AVADA MEDIA

At the first stage of the design, a conference meeting is held, at which the business owner or his representatives and our project-manager are present. At this moment, an important thing happens – the original data of the client is recorded in detail and structured. Usually, we ask clients to provide us with input data on the desired design, references of liked, and similar projects. Thus, our next steps in planning the design will be clear and regulated.

After that, prototypes of the future project are prepared in the Moqups tool with a demonstration of interfaces, colors and suitable creatives. In turn, the project manager constantly keeps in touch with the customer and makes adjustments as they appear.

Then an explanatory table of prototypes and video instructions for the designer is compiled.

How to get an example of a technical assignment for a designer? Our project-manager can provide the client with TK samples in a video presentation if desired. We have examples of design specifications for a wide variety of projects – CRM systems for various business areas, mobile applications, online stores, enterprise-level sites, information portals, brand sites, landing pages and much more that go beyond typical technical specifications.

Development of technical specifications for design

Why is it worth ordering a technical assignment from us


Why is it worth ordering a technical assignment from us AVADA MEDIA

Drawing up a technical task for a designer requires a responsible and comprehensive approach from an experienced team of professionals. We have all this. The company’s staff has a marketing department, which, in cooperation with designers, finds unique solutions that show the maximum result.

The design department ensures the prompt introduction of changes to the project, general interaction and communication. Project managers supervise the preparation of technical specifications for a web designer and communication with customers.

Our key advantage is that we do not blindly do everything that the client wants, we recommend how best to do it with maximum efficiency for the business.

For a high-quality study of the technical specification from the customer, you need a brand book, logos, a corporate palette, references , but this is optional.

When ordering a technical assignment for a project design from us, you will receive a full-fledged model version of the project, drawn up by our experts. You can see how the working interface will look, already at the design stage.

We have vast experience in drafting technical specifications. Moreover, for a wide variety of projects. Our project managers know how to work with the most non-standard and atypical tasks.

If you have any controversial issues, problems or tasks requiring a non-standard approach, we organize consultations with related departments.

As a result, we provide the customer with an optimal solution that will suit him and at the same time show maximum efficiency in terms of ease of use, conversion, and meet technical requirements. The correct design of important details of an IT product increases the overall number of leads and sales in general.

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