Why won't you succeed?

Create a mobile application yourself Why won't you succeed?

The mobile application market is constantly growing. In such circumstances, most startups begin to build their business on the use of mobile technology. Even those companies that have long and firmly occupied their niche in the market create applications for mobile devices. And in their absence, some of the customers lose.

Today, the question is no longer – to develop or not to develop your own mobile application. The problem is different. Many people try to create a program on their own, and as a result they face serious problems. Let’s see why it is extremely difficult for one person to develop a functional and user-friendly mobile application.

Development time will be very long

Time Development time will be very long

Creating a program requires hundreds of man hours. It is necessary to carefully consider the functionality of the application, take into account the variety of gadgets on which it will be launched and a number of other small, but very important details. As a result, the application receives a very complex structure, which only a team of experienced specialists can qualitatively implement.

It takes at least 300 hours to develop the simplest application designed to run on one platform. But if the program will work on devices with different platforms, the task is many times more complicated. It is also worth remembering that gadgets running Android stop receiving system updates 1-2 years after the release.

In this regard, when developing an application, you have to consider that the program will work with many different versions of the operating system.

After the application is created, it must be tested on various devices. This stage also requires a lot of time and effort. During testing, deficiencies and failures are identified that need to be addressed. When a problem is detected, it is often difficult to quickly find the place in the code that needs debugging. Sometimes it takes a whole working day.

Jack of all trades

Design, frontend, programming Jack of all trades

Application development involves more than just writing code. Many specialists of various profiles take part in the creation of the product. Before starting to create the application, a pre-project market analysis is carried out. This is necessary to understand whether the user needs a product, and what he expects from him. The analyst’s task is to describe the project, study competitors and the target audience. By skipping this important step, you can create an excellent mobile application that no one will use due to its uselessness.

Along with the functional content of the application, its design is also very important. It is in appearance that the user creates his first impression of the program.

The icon and user interface should be convenient and outwardly attractive. Certain specialists – designers also work on this task. They create a schematic layout of the screen, arrange the application elements in the most convenient way, providing functionality and usability. To make it convenient for the user to work with the program, both the appearance of the control buttons and their location on the screen are carefully thought out. After that, a design concept is created that gives you the opportunity to get a first impression of how the application will look and work.


Result Conclusion

Creating a mobile application alone is extremely difficult. In addition to being a specialist in many areas, you will have to spend a huge amount of time on work. Saving on paying for the services of professionals is a sure step towards the fact that people will not use your product. Even if the application is downloaded and installed, it will be deleted with a high degree of probability after a short period of time.

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