Highload PHP



To develop Highload, PHP applications use a microservice modular architecture. When creating high-load services in PHP, we use robust methods that have been proven by time and workload.

In the process of developing the architecture of high-load projects in PHP, we take into account the weaknesses of the technology, based on many years of experience in creating complex software.

The stage of preparation for the development of a high-load project in PHP includes:

  • figuring out how things should work
  • dividing the project into modules
  • defining how modules should share their data

If the web solution cannot handle high loads, you may encounter the following problems:

  • Slow or infinite page loading
  • Random errors
  • Disconnecting from the web server
  • Partial content download
  • Decreased user audience activity
  • Loss of customers and reduced profits

Thus, the architecture of PHP highload apps is directly related to the financial results of the business. But to implement scalable web applications, it is important to have the expertise in developing high-performance software solutions.

Development of high-load projects in PHP: basic steps


Development of high-load projects in PHP: basic steps AVADA-MEDIA

To develop an effective high-load project, we use the most modern solutions. Integration of a module or function with poor performance can affect the overall performance of the project. This will bring additional losses to the business using this product. The development of high-load services consists of the following stages:

  • Microservices and scaling calculations

One of the most important points in the development of a highly loaded product is the division of the project into modules and microservices. The smoother and more independent these modules run, the more productive the system will be. The product will receive a number of advantages: increased stability in the event of failure of one of the modules and load distribution between all modules.

The calculation of the future scalability of the project should be done at the time of planning, not deployment. Why is this so important? Imagine a project in which a service responsible for one of the payment methods refused. In such conditions, the serviceability of the entire project is under threat. And if this failure has a negative impact on the flow control service or the overall performance of the database, it can become a critical issue. The design architecture framework should be able to remediate failures and deploy updates as soon as possible.

  • Choosing a framework

At this stage, you need to choose a fairly lightweight, but effective framework, on the basis of which you can build a complex project. After all, the level of productivity depends on several factors: the quality of the developers’ code, the chosen application architecture, coding methods and templates.

  • Database selection

The database is the most important link in the project architecture. The wrong choice can jeopardize the data security and the performance of the entire project.

Before starting the development process, you need to choose a suitable database management system. Any DBMS has its own peculiarities in work and requires at least one dedicated highly qualified specialist who will manage the database.

  • Balancing requests

The ability to subdivide an application into modules should always be added from the very beginning of architecture planning. This will help you organize effective load sharing in the future.

  • Application Development Analysis

Even with the creation of the ideal architecture, any high-load PHP applications will someday become unusable for solving the problems of today. This often happens due to the inability to predict the directions of further development of the product. Continuous performance analysis of highload PHP apps can reveal weaknesses that need to be changed to ensure that the application does not slow down.

With an eye on tomorrow


With an eye on tomorrow AVADA-MEDIA

A common mistake many fast-growing companies make is trying to make their web project architecture perfect from the start. As a result, they get unnecessary problems. It is difficult to predict how the product will evolve further, and the technologies used to build the ideal architecture can become obsolete and ineffective over time. We do not recommend trying to make the architecture of applications or high-load sites in PHP ideal from the very beginning of the project.

It is necessary to clearly understand how the project will develop in the future in order to make the right changes. Imagine a situation: yesterday you built optimal architectures, and today you realize that you need to redo some parts or functions of your application to make it more efficient. Unfortunately, these fixes can take too long, or new features need to be developed without going back to fixing existing code.

Highload PHP

Order the development of a high-load project in PHP in AVADA-MEDIA


Order the development of a high-load project in PHP in AVADA-MEDIA AVADA-MEDIA

We have extensive experience in developing high-load applications. Our analysts and developers address all business requirements to build efficient, resilient, scalable projects.

Our experienced developers have extensive experience in the development of fault-tolerant systems. High-load projects developed by our specialists withstand the necessary user traffic with a margin and satisfy the needs of any fast-growing business.

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